fill in the blank friday.

Today’s blanks are shopping themed, since it is after all the infamous Black Friday.  I’m not sure if this is a world-wide phenomenon or something that happens just in the U.S., but nonetheless, I’m posting about it :).  If you’d like to join in the fill in the blank action, just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then link your post back here using the linky at the end of this post!  Now on with the blanks!

1.   Black Friday is       pure chaos. People are seriously nuts   .

2.  Christmas shopping this year will include   nothing store bought, since we’re doing Advent Conspiracy  .

3.  Holiday shopping makes me       crazy and annoyed. It stresses me out to no end. For real     .

4.  This year my Christmas list will include   a lot of wished for items, but I’m not expecting anything. If I could ask for anything though it would be for a J. Crew gift card – I’m kind of obsessed with everything in their store right now   .

5.  Bargain hunter, or full price shopper?      I love a good bargain, but I often tend to like all the things that are full price. Am I the only one who does this? .

6.  The best and worst things about shopping is        relaxing if I’m by myself – I love shopping by myself…it’s sort of therapeutic. The worst is shopping sans coffee. I get terribly grumpy. It’s officially become a pre-requisite    .

7.  Online shopper or in-person shopper?       I am a kinesthetic learner and a tactile shopper. I touch EVERYTHING. I think it drives Craig nuts sometimes     .

Hope your weekend is lovely!



  1. I’ve never heard of Black Friday! 🙂 Oh i do that too…touch everything haha

  2. WOW! i’m the first today?! must be because i’m Canadian and it’s not Thanksgiving weekend for us and no Black Friday today! 😛

    Hope you’re enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend Lauren!!!

  3. Haha I touch everything when I shop too and it totally drives the hubby nuts!

  4. Hello. I’m your newest follower! I’d love a follow back. My blog is here;

  5. I linked up! :). Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. RE: #5 Me TOO! It’s so irritating. It’s always the one thing not included in the sale. *sigh*

  7. I avoided black Friday like the plague today. My sister went shopping and found some amazing deals, but it stresses me out way too much for the savings to be worth it.

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