fill in the blank friday.

Hi friends!

It’s Friday and it’s Fill in the Blank time!  Today’s theme is every woman’s crowning glory:  her hair.  Today’s blanks will cover the good, the bad and the ugly.  If you want to play along, fill in the blanks over at your blog (or in the comment section) and then copy your link into the linky at the end of the post. Enjoy!

1.   My last haircut was       I think in February.  I’m probably due for a trim, but I don’t have a stylist!  Brandi – come to Portland and make me pretty!  .

2.  My most daring hair moment was       when I had my hair braided with extentions when we were in Kenya. (don’t judge the gaucho pants – it was 5 years ago and I only thought they were cool for about a month before realizing how ugly and unflattering they truly are.)     .

3.  A hairstyle I’d never be brave enough to try is       a pixie. I think it’s SUPER cute on some people, but I’m pretty sure my face is too chubby for that     .

4.  I’ve always dreamt of being a (blonde, brunette or red-head)   red head.  I absolutely LOVE red hair…super red hair like Christina Hendricks   .

5.  My go-to hair do is       curly and down. I just let it air dry, although until 2 years ago I straightened my hair EVERY day. It’s much healthier now. Here’s the proof since I don’t think any of you have ever seen it straight before     .

6.  My biggest hair disaster was      the time I tried to highlight my own hair at home. The highlights started overprocessing and turning brassy and I started crying. Craig was there and had to help me fix it. It turned out ok, but not my finest hair moment .

7.  A hairstyle I am dying to try is        the braided crown. Actually. I did try it on Wednesday. Here’s the tutorial I used over at Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno. It was even cuter in real life. Go try it for real. It’s so easy and cute!    .

8.  My best hair day was       my wedding day hair.      .

9.  The worst hairstyle I ever had was   in the 5th grade. My mom dropped me off at the salon, the stylist flipped my chair around and then chopped my hair off completely, despite the fact that I’d just asked for a trim. It was horrible and the week before I started middle school. My mom bought me some cute earrings so I’d look more like a girl. Thankfully photo evidence of this is most likely buried in a box somewhere  

10.  My hair is       an unruly beast that I am finally learning to tame and slowly but surely growing to love.      .

Excited to read about all of your hair joys and sorrows!
Have a great weekend!



  1. Oh I LOVE your braided crown Lauren! You look gorgeous and I love the red lips! LoL on the gaucho pants! EVERY girl/woman I know had these at some point! I think I had like 6 of them. I won’t lie, I still think they’d be great comfy pajamas if I find any of my old ones. Happy Friday!

    xx Vivian @

  2. 🙂 Love your hair all natural. 😉 I used to straighten mine every day too…not the most healthy version…that much I know today! 🙂

    Happy Friday.

  3. I also would love to try the braided crown, but I am no good at braiding. And I love Cristina Hendricks red hair too. Thank you for FITBF, it’s so much fun!

  4. I looooove your braided hair!!!
    and I agree with you on the pixie cut!! It is so cute on others, but on me???
    Have a beautiful Friday and a wonderful weekend!!!

  5. I’ve always wanted to try a pixie cut too but totally am not daring enough. And I LOVE red hair.

    Happy weekend Lauren!

  6. this fill in the blank was fun!

  7. I am offended by your choice of red heads…she isn’t even a natural red head. I’m breaking up with you because you have offended my crown of glory.

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE your braided hair. Hair is one of my favorite things ever, so this set of blanks was EXTRA fun!!

    have a great weekend!!

  9. I love this post!! And in fourth grade my mom dropped me off at a hair salon too and chop … chop I had a helmet puff for a hairstyle. HA!!! My hair is super thick and wavy … I have just come to terms and rarely ever straighten my hair but that wasn’t the case before. ANy who… hugs sweet friend I will email you tonight about the trip and dates. Sorry for the late response it has been a nutty week. xo

  10. Those gauchos may have been ugly but they sure were COMFY and you know how much I love a good pair of PJ pants you can get away with wearing in public… need I remind you of my holey yoga pants….

  11. If you’re looking for a stylist in Portland I LOVE mine!!! And I have unruly, thick, curly hair as well 🙂 He knows how to tame the beast! HAHA

  12. lauren! you could definitely pull off a pixie cut. do it!!

  13. 1. My last haircut was A WEEK AGO?


    3. A hairstyle I’d never be brave enough to try is A FAUX HAWK. I MEAN, COME ON. EVEN IF IT’S JUST GEL, IT’S STILL DRASTIC LOOKING.
    4. I’ve always dreamt of being a (blonde, brunette or red-head) RED HEAD. DEFINETLY.
    5. My go-to hair do is DOWN AND STRAIGHT.
    6. My biggest hair disaster was HAVEN’T HAD ONE YET (KNOCK ON WOOD)
    7. A hairstyle I am dying to try is TEASED HAIR. DON’T LAUGH. I’M KINDA PUNK 🙂
    8. My best hair day was A COUPLE DAYS AGO. I EVEN TOOK PICS!

    9. The worst hairstyle I ever had was IN EIGHTH GRADE. LONG AND FRIZZY AND TOO SHORT BANGS.

    10. My hair is CURLY.

  14. sorry, i linked twice because the first didn’t work! love your braid. 🙂

  15. Girl! I hear you on the crazy hair. Unless I apply heat to my hair, it is a little cray cray! You are so darling even in the super awesome pants. haha. Don’t worry, we all got sucked into that trap. You and your man are super cute together. mucho mucho love!

  16. Great post! I love your braids too cute 🙂 xoxo I found you on Lady Blogger Society…great blog! Have a great weekend.

  17. this was such a fun fill in the blank friday@@@
    1. i cut my hair all the time, the split ends and random parts.
    2. my most daring moment was the mohawk mullet.
    3. shaved head- i have a fat face it will not work.
    4. ?
    5. messy wave and down
    6. turning my hair green in hs on accident.
    7. i love it lauren it looks GREAT on you!
    8. you looked amazing on your wedding day ive seen photos.
    9. worst hairstyle was my poodle perm 6th grade
    10. my hair is my security blanket.

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