four eyes.

I love glasses.

Sadly, these ones aren’t real, but rather my $5 F21 fakies.
I recently went to the eye doctor hoping that he might utter those four little magical words “You need reading glasses.”  But alas, my vision is 20/20 :(.  I know I can still wear my fake glasses, but it’s just not the same….

After discovering Warby Parker the other day, 
I’m even more envious of eye glass wearers.

If you wear glasses, you must check out
  Warby Parker.
Pure eye glass genius.

Now before you scroll through these images of four-eyed chicness do not immediately assume that such style must be our of your price range, because it is simply not the case.  All of these glasses are a mere $95!!!  Including the prescription lenses!  WHAT???

In addition to making beautiful vintage inspired glasses with a fashion forward twist at a ridiculously reasonable price, Warby Parker also partners with Restoring Vision to provide glasses to those in need.  For every pair of glasses purchased, Warby Parker donates a pair to someone in need.  Could this possibly get any better?  Ummmm….probably not!  Go buy some, since I can’t!

Hope you’re having a lovey week!



  1. For some reason, and I’m sure most spectacle wearers will agree, everyone else looks cool in glasses except them! Myself included! But I have to admit these Warber Parker gems look very stylish. My hubby had laser treatment and is so glad he did, I wish I had the courage, but I don’t! haha Have a magical Wednesday ~Siobhan

  2. I love glasses…mine are pink and kinda funny looking so I love them even more. 🙂 And I don’t look like a nerd! 🙂 Have a fantastic day girl.

  3. i found warby parker a few weeks ago and actually ordered a pair on the spot. i love my warby parker glasses and literally wear them everywhere! they restored my love in wearing glasses and not just contacts.

    for the record, my mom was jealous of me and my sister for having to wear glasses too. we’ve both worn them since we were 9 or 10. but a few months ago, she found out she needed reading glasses! and now she’s making up for lost time by buying multiple pairs. ha! so there’s still plenty of hope for you one day getting glasses!

  4. I just bought a pair of Warby Parker glasses! they should arrive today.. i’m so excited!

  5. I’m lovin all those Warby Parker’s!! And they’re WAAY cheaper then any pair I’ve ever had to buy. I’m going to keep them in mind next time I need a new pair!!

  6. lauren,

    i’m right there with you! i too have ventured to the eye doc hoping to hear that magical phrase… “you need glasses”. seriously, has someone knocked us in the head?! i buy fakies all of the time, but feel semi silly wearing them because my husband knows they’re fake. but glasses are just SO cool and these look toooo goood on you! 🙂

  7. I found Warby Parker a few months ago and I have been in love. So mad that I spent over $200 on some Wayfarers first… but I LOVE wearing glasses, and this website is next on my list.

  8. I wish I had seen this website before I dropped way too much on a pair of vintage-looking spectacles from my eye doctor a few weeks ago.

    My prescription gets worse every year! Too much staring at computers is making it worse, I think. You’re very lucky you don’t need glasses! But the grass is always greener, right? =)


  9. Lauren I’ll totally switch eyes with you if you want. I’ve had to wear contacts or glasses since 4th grade. And although I can totally appreciate the trend I hate having to wear something in order to see well.

  10. for 23 years i tried to convince the eye doctor to let me get reading glasses (i didn’t want the fake ones) and FINALLY it worked. and i have the cutest pair of gucci frames that are to die for.


  11. When I was in 2nd grade, I faked my vision test and got things wrong on purpose so that I could get glasses. I picked out these horrid purple things and wore them maybe 5 times. I still feel guilty for making my parents pay for them when I didn’t need them! Your love of glasses reminded me of this 😉

  12. These glasses are cool, I just bought some at Zenni Optical for way cheaper though. Some are as low as 8 bucks.

  13. Haha…same exact thing happened to me last year and I felt a little disappointed too.I will definitely tell Chris about these because he needs new glasses, but it always seemed like the really cool ones were super spendy. Good find my friend!

    PS: I’m gonna email you some ideas I found for gift-making!

  14. You look GREAT in those F21!!!
    I wear contacts because I cant stand glasses…. my eyes are pretty weak…
    wanna trade? haha

  15. these are amazing!! like you, i have 20/20 vision and so do not have the pleasure of wearing glasses. my hubby, however, is nearly blind. i will be sending him a link to this website.

  16. Trustttt me you dont want real glasses, its a pain to not be able to see right and then you cant find your glasses and your like damnnnnn now I’m screwed!!

  17. Those glasses look super cute on you!
    I love my glasses, but I do find them to be terribly inconvenient, so I usually wear contacts…

    I wanted glasses before I *had* to have them. Now that I really have to wear them, I don’t think they’re as fun… I think they’re more exciting when they’re less of a commitment! ;]

  18. That’s so funny, I just got my eyes checked and I have 20/20 too, but I also love glasses. I tried some on as a joke at urban, and kind of really love them. This post made me want to buy them.

  19. $95??!! So wish I would have heard of Warby Parker before purchasing my recent pair…naturally.

  20. I love this post – glasses are so cute! 🙂

  21. I just got new glasses and they cost me a fortune… WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED YOU???

  22. i love my glasses, BUT i hate NEEDING them. It sucks not being able to see! Don’t take it for granted! I LOVE all your choices!! So cute & hip! 🙂

  23. OHMIGOSH I am so freaking excited. I always wanted glasses, and then when my eye doc told me i actually REALLY need them now…it’s kind of a pain. BUT if they look that chic, I might not have a problem!

  24. Ha! I kinda wished at my recent optometrist appt. that they’d tell me I needed reading glasses too. But same thing – 20/20 vision.

  25. So glad you found Warby Parker. I bought my first pair early this year and have been SO happy > with the product AND their mission.


  26. hilarious! I love glasses too and keep hoping for the day that the doc tells me I’ll need some! I break out the fakies for fun too, but I think there’s nothing cooler than lying in bed with a great book and “reading glasses”. You look adorable in your fakes!!

  27. hahaha… I’ve always wanted glasses too! We always want what we don’t have don’t we 🙂 I try to be thankful that I wake up in the morning and am able to see. My sister always reminds me of that 🙂 But I love these! And they look cute on you!

  28. perfect timing, I need to get new glasses. I hate mine so I never wear them (I know so bad!) and my eyes are getting worse I can feel it! THis will make me actually excited to wear my glasses!

  29. isn’t warby parker magical? i love that it’s part charity and amazing glasses! i’m thinking the huxely need to be my next pair!

  30. I love Warby Parker! I got two prescription glasses for LESS than I would of spent on one at my eye doctors and like them like 100 times better than anything available at my eye doctors too! I have the same pair that the girl in the grey tank is wearing and a really rectangular pair and love them!!

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