my favorite thing about today #50.

My favorite thing 
about today was….


That my mom brought me a mango tea freddo from Peet’s.
And since Tuesday is my day off and also my cleaning day
she also helped me sweep and make my bed.
I hate doing those things!

My mom is the greatest :).

Oh…and also, this song has been stuck in my head today.
Have you guys seen Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog?

You can watch the whole thing here if you like (it’s about 45 minutes long).
It’s really random.  I appreciate it, but I can’t guarantee that you will.
I accept no blame if you hate it.

What was your favorite thing
about today?



  1. My favorite thing bout today is I got a adorable kitten. I just posted a blog bout it & picture. 🙂
    Glad you had a great day too!


  2. Ah Hurray for mums! I spent the morning with my sis who i love. we cleaned her house :0 and then she bought me lunch! 🙂

  3. Two of my friends performed “On the Rise” in our music department repertoire one day. It was so great!

  4. Aren’t moms the best? I love days when I can get an extra helping hand from somebody who does it way better than I can…

  5. I love Dr. Horrible!

  6. My favorite thing is how well my NaNoWriMo novel is going!

  7. Hummm… Probably the Nyquil I took because I wasn’t feeling well and when I woke up this morning I felt 99% better :o)

  8. How sweet of your mom!!!
    I just LOVE that video!!!!!
    I am off to the site right now!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing!!!!
    Have a lovely day,

  9. This is such a cute post!!! That drink sounds yummmy!!
    My favorite thing about today is having lunch with a friend.

  10. Love Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog. All the songs are just two darn catchy. I get them stuck in my head all the time.

  11. I love Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog! Well, until the end. Then I hated it. But I loved everything else about it!

  12. Mango anything sounds delicious. Oh man, it’s lunch time and I’m getting hungry. My favorite thing about today? That it’s Wednesday and I get some time at home tonight to just relax with the cat.

  13. Your mama is so sweet!

    My favorite thing about today was my cup of espresso as I read the election results early this AM:)

  14. If people hate Dr. Horrible then there’s something wrong with them! Then again I’m of the opinion that Joss can do no wrong (well besides kill my favorite characters and break my heart over and over)! 🙂

  15. aaah mom are the best!! 😀
    BTW Im absolutely obsessed with the sequin skirt from J Crew, like COMPLETELY!!

  16. Awww, moms are the BEST! I LOVE Peets! It’s so yummy. I love that moms know the things that make our days. Better than anyone! 🙂

  17. aw your mom sounds so sweet!! I love when Matthew surprises me with Peet’s. It’s my favorite 🙂

  18. hmmmm my favorite thing about today is that its 11.15 and I am still in my PJs. Hurray for days off!!!

  19. Thanks for saying all those nice things about me. You are the best daughter in the whole wide world!I just love making your days better because you appreciate it so much. I especially like helping you around the house. 🙂

  20. Dr. Horrible ♥♥♥


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