my favorite thing about today #51.

My favorite thing about today
(or actually last night)
Watching Marley try to cram her jumbo self into Mia (the teeny dog we’re puppy-sitting)’s miniscule crate.  It was hillarious.
She was so confused.  Craig kept telling her to go to bed, which she assumed meant to get in the crate.  She’s so obedient :).

P.S. My Little Winter post will be up later today!


  1. lauren the picture isn’t working but I want to see this cuteness! Silly Marley! Lindsey and I just spent the last hour making fingerknit scarves…FYI yarn is 20% off at FM right now!

  2. ok just kidding…just watched the video. Poor Marley she looks so confused. It looks like she ran off saying “I hate you guys”. I’m sure she really doesn’t hate you though.

  3. that is pretty freakin fantastic I nominate Marley as the best dog ever.

  4. haha I love it!!!

  5. That was the best video ever! Marley is the best.

  6. this is so adorable. Glad you shared. Made me smile 🙂

  7. This makes me want a dog!!!!!! 🙂

  8. So funny! I want a Marley!

    – Jess

  9. awww poor marley…so confused. she deserves extra doggie treats for being such a good girl.


  10. That is AWESOME.

  11. haha, so funny. she was just trying to be good. 😉

  12. L.O.L.
    That is the funniest thing EVER!!!!!
    Poor Marley!!! She just was trying to go to bed!! 🙂
    Thanks for sharing this video!!!

  13. This is awesome!!! So cute. Was the puppy in the crate at the time?

  14. That is SO funny. It’s amazing that she kept trying to fit herself into that tiny little thing. it’s funny that she even wanted to go into there. Dogs are so silly

  15. Aw, that is way too insanely cute! I love it so much!! She is such a good listener! When we would tell Sabin to go to his crate (we put it away because he feared it so much!), he ran to the front door and sat there waiting for us to take him with us! Oh well!

  16. i have watched this 3 times today! just showed sean and we are laughing so hard and Moses is barking like crazy!

  17. So good!

  18. This is so cute. She just wants so badly to make you guys happy. What a good girl!

  19. OMG this is hilarious!!! Poor Marley, hahaha

  20. hahahahahahaha! so mean and so hilarious!!! i want to buy a tiny crate and see if our dogs will try to get in it now!

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