people are my favorite.

I love people.  
{photo via weheartit}

It’s the reason I got a degree in social work.  I just love being with people.  I love sitting with them and listening to their stories unfold over cup of chai.  I love that everyone’s stories are different and unique and have helped to shape them into the person that they are.  I love how everyone’s first kiss, most embarrassing moment and deepest darkest secret are all different.  I love that we all have different fears, hopes and dreams.  

I love hearing stories about people’s lives.  Stories about how they got that scar on their left knee by falling on a jeddy during a 4th grade field trip to the beach or how chocolate donuts are their ultimate comfort food or about the time that they skipped P.E. in the 9th grade and got caught.  OK…maybe those are just my stories.  

But, the point is, I love hearing all of your stories and about all of the ways that we are the same and different.  I love when you leave me comments telling me stories about your silly dogs, or husbands or your favorite foods.  I love that you read my little blog and I love reading yours.  I love the community that blogging has provided me and I love that all of our stories are intertwining with one another.  

I also wanted to say thank you for making blogging fun for me.  You guys are lovely and I really do appreciate each and every sweet little note of encouragement you e-mail me, or comments you leave me here on the blog or  Twitter and Facebook replies you send.  I know I’m not always very great about leaving comments on all of your blogs, but know that I do read them when I get the chance.  Thanks for being a wonderful community that I am privileged to be a part of.  Please don’t hestitate to ever contact me – I love to hear your stories and be a part of them and I love collaborating, so just drop me a line!

I apologize if this is a bit sappy for a Monday morning, but I’ve just been feeling introspective this weekend and thought I’d share :).

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!


  1. Ditto!! 🙂 Have a great day! x

  2. i love that i had no idea you were a social worker until i read this, and i have been following your blog for about 6 months. i’m a social worker too!!

  3. We like you too! Blogging is fun, isn’t it? It’s a crazy community we’re all a part of, but it’s fun connecting with people in this way. Have a great week!

  4. Love this 🙂 I don’t think I could have given a better description to how I feel about blogging. It is so fun to hear the stories of others! (I was a social work major too :))

  5. aw, lauren, you really are such a sweet person! i’m not really big on people, but i definitely love you, and your personality, and your style, because i just think you’re all around aweseome! this post isn’t too sappy, i think it’s the kind of thing people like to see every now and again.

    hope you have a good monday! xoxoxoxoxo!

  6. Thank YOU for being so refreshingly genuine & open! I was so excited when I heard you met Sam Shorey (my real life best friend) and I told her that yours is one of the few blogs I comment on… (I tend to be a lazy blogger.)

    Anyways, have a wonderful week! 🙂

  7. This is my first time to your blog, and as someone who is getting her MSW, it’s so great to read how much you truly love people! clinical social work can be so defeating at times (haha that’s why i’m majoring in macro practice ;), and it brightens my heart to know you are in the world, working to improve people’s lives.

  8. Awww!! I love reading your blog and all the beautiful stories you tell here!!!
    I hope you are having a beautiful day and I hope you have a wonderful week!!!!!

  9. I think with the traffic you have created for your blog you do fantastic 🙂 And I knew you’d write me back to my DSW comment 😛 😛 Hope you find something great! And just make a deal with your husband like I did with mine last year: I wanted these amazing Steve Madden boots that were a whoppin 178$. I would walk by them every day and after weeks I still wanted them sooo badly!! So I made a deal and said if he’d let me invest in them I wouldn’t buy a single pair of boots for the entire season. He let me, and I haven’t boughten a single pair since!! I love mine so much they are the perfect boot. I’m telling’s all about investing in the right stuff 😉 Happy Monday

  10. Blogging has made me like people again. For awhile, I couldn’t stand them, haha.

    Your blog makes me happy, it’s dynamic and never boring! there’s always something neat on here.. and that’s what makes blogs fun to read 🙂

  11. Having naively just started blogging because it seemed like a fun way to amuse myself, I had no idea how addicting keeping up with the “community” would become! Your post isn’t sappy at all-it’s a lovely affirmation to start the week!

  12. Oh we love you too!

    My favorite thing about blogging is how many people I’ve met and made friends with. In the past year I’ve really used my blog to meet others and it had been an AMAZING experience.

  13. I love this post! <3 You put it so perfectly.

    We all have a different story, and everyone is beautiful and amazing. Including you. =]

  14. WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!

  15. I love this post. On a day where I’m questioning myself and the people around me, it reassures me that I’m just having one of those off days.

    Thank you! 🙂

  16. I love people too!


  17. I needed some love this morning…thanks for providing it. I hope you have a fantastic Monday.

  18. I love people like you! (Not like “I like people too, just like you,” but people like you are my fave). Ian has the same personality as you. And that’s why I love him. He’s so relational and LOVES being around people ALL the time. It’s precious. And I love that about you too!

  19. I love this post! I think peoples’ stories are amazing as well, and I love talking to people about anything and everything, if only just to have another perspective on life.

  20. Have a fantastic day!

    Wonderful post :).

  21. Don’t ever apologize for being sappy … your words are touching, true and lovely!!! Hugs to you sweet friend. And thank you so much for encouraging me about my etsy … hoping to get it up this week:) I got distracted and Marc and I watched all of Season 4 of Dexter in one sitting LOL! Ooops! XO

  22. Aw, what a sweet post! It definitely brought a smile to my face. Right back at you with everything you said here.

  23. you say it so well lauren! this blogging community is a beautiful place, no?

  24. Ha! Didn’t know you had a social work background, either. I check in on your blog every day.

  25. awww…what a sweet post!

  26. Ooh Lauren you are too sweet! I love reading your blog! It makes me happy!

  27. connection is WHAT! i love this post, every bit of it. you are so lovely inside and out.

  28. I’m in a social work field too! I’m not an “actual” social worker, but I get called one all the time. I work in the homes doing crisis intervention. I work closely with DCBS, so I guess it gets assumed. I love it so far.

  29. The blogging community is a great community to be part of and many of us have you to thank for introducing us to other bloggers through your Fill in the Blank Fridays. When you posted my questions, I gained a ton of new readers and I thank you for that. You are awesome. We all love you!

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