a series of unfortunate events.

This weekend was 
a series of unfortunate events.

-I got locked out of my house.
-Lost my car key.
-Dropped my iPhone in a puddle.
-Got in a car accident.

Not the most fun ever.


Looking at the bright side…..

-I went to Zumba & I’m kicking butt at healthy holiday eating – down 10 lbs. since November!
-Craig got me flowers on Friday and they’re pretty and weedy :).
-Watched a ton of Mad Men episodes.
-Went to Crafty Wonderland with Kira and Becca and got two new ornaments.

-Had a crafty afternoon with my friends Jamie and Dana.  Made something super cute I’ll blog about tomorrow.  Oh…and we also ate bruschetta and apples with nutella and had hot cocoa, because one must drink hot cocoa while crafting.

-Had a shopping/coffee date with Jamie.
-Got cute new jeans and a sweatshirt at Buffalo Exchange.  And yes that is my butt.  Because Paige jeans make everyone’s butt look amazing and I want to show mine off now!

-Had Papa Haydn dessert with Craig.  Pumpkin bread pudding was delicious.
-My iPhone still works after a hanging out overnight in a bag of rice.
-I finally got into my house and found my car key.

AND….everyone was ok after my little car accident.  I was driving through a school zone and looked over in the school parking lot and noticed someone changing clothes in the parking lot and did a double take because some guy was totally butt naked!  In that quick amount of time, someone stopped to turn and the car in front of me stopped as well.  A collision ensued.  Thankfully I was just up the street from my parent’s house and they came to my rescue.  I am so thankful for my parents and all the things they do for me.  I was super worried to tell Craig about the car, because I thought he’d be mad, but he said he was just glad I wasn’t hurt and that it was only a car :).  I love him.

I feel a little better about this weekend after writing it out and seeing that there were more positives than negatives :).  Plus….I have today off, because I ended up having a random vacation day I forgot about.  Yay!

Hope your weekends weren’t filled with unfortunate events and that the positive list was even longer than mine!



  1. Glad it worked out 🙂 I dropped my BB in a sink full of washing up water. I thought it died, but i took it apart and left it all on top of my computer modem thingy (nice and warm) for a week! Then i turned it on and it’s been fine for months now! Yippeeeeeee

  2. haha that kinda sucks about the accident.. i had a similar one.. mine wasn’t that good of a story though.. i was only looking at a car who looked like they were gunna pull out from a driveway into me. The butt-nakedness is more fun.
    Glad to see you’re looking at the positives though 🙂

  3. Oh my! What a weekend, good and bad. I think it’s kind of funny that your accident was caused by you looking at a naked man (only because everyone is alright). What a story!

  4. I have to say I got rear ended this weekend! After stopping to give money to a charity that was collecting on the streets. I just laugh about it!

  5. I should do this positive/negative list for the past few days too. Bad things always seem huge and it can be hard to keep them all in perspective…

    Hope you have a wonderful day!!

  6. There’s always a positive — that’s what I’m working on seeing this year! Those flowers are gorgeous…and of course, my Iphone friend, our Iphones would survive a puddle. Enjoy your day off — I got a snow day and am definitely seeing the positive in that! 😉

  7. Glad you’re okay! I’m also glad you’re so optimistic. The rest of your week sounds lovely.

  8. Sorry to hear about your unfortunate events but that’s cool that they rest of your weekend made up for it. And hooray for you for losing 10 lbs. You must feel great!

    I wish I had today off. I would have liked to spent today catching up on some blog reading and also writing up some posts. I really don’t want to be at work.

    P.S. I’m happy your iPhone survived – and thanks for sharing the drying in a bag of rice trick.

  9. oh, i’m sorry you didn’t have the best luck this weekend, but at least you got flowers, a husband that loves you, and new stuff. and you have a cute butt.


  10. Goodness!!! What a weekend!! I am so glad to hear that you are alright!!! I know how those days are and I am happy to hear that the complete weekend wasn’t awful!I love your ornaments!! So pretty and yay for clothes shopping!!! 🙂
    Stay safe!!

  11. Wait… so what about the naked guy? Who DOES that? He should totally have to pay to have your car fixed.

    I’m glad you were able to look on the bright side and it sounds like all things considered it was still a decent weekend.

  12. I’m sorry, but the story about your accident is hilarious.
    Yay for days off, and snow days here in frigid Michigan! 🙂

  13. I am glad that you are ok… I would have done a double take too. Butt naked in a parking lot is something out of the ordinary. I am just sorry it created ‘mayhem’ for you. (Love the AllState commercials)

    The flowers are gorgeous even though they are ‘weedy’ and your butt does look good in those jeans.

    Have a GREAT week!!!


  14. so glad to hear your crummy weekend turned around! that pumpkin bread pudding is insanely good! have a lovely day off, I’m jealous 🙂

  15. you look fantastic Lauren, congrats on losing 10 lbs! zumba is a really fun way to burn calories.
    i’m glad you looked at the bright side despite those unfortunate mishaps!

  16. aw your poor dear! I would have double-taked too! Especially in a school zone! yikes! I LOVE zumba! I go to classes on monday, 2 on thursday and the occasional saturday morning. LOVE IT! Although today im taking a pilates class right before the zumba class soooo I think tomorrow ill be feeling it!

  17. Three things:

    -I had fun with you and Jamie yesterday at our “crafty afternoon” party. ‘Twas grand and I totally kick but at crocheting now.

    -Great job on losing 10 pounds! That’s awesome friend. I noticed that you’ve been looking exceptionally slender lately. Ooh lala.

    -Those jeans are uber cute! I was going to ask what kind they were yesterday but forgot. I hope they can make my hiney look amazing, too.


  18. Wait…there was a naked guy in a school parking lot? That seems very wrong. I’m quite positive I would have done exactly what you did in that situation.
    I had fun ay crafty wonderland. I keep thinking about cute things there that I want. I think Jeremy was pretty tired of hearing all about it.

  19. i sorry that you have had a sucky weekend 🙁 hope this week is good for you!

  20. Flowers from the Mister and a little bit of shopping can make any unfortunate event bearable. And, a naked guy??????? Hahahaha!

  21. Oh boo! I’m sorry you had so many crappy things happen this weekend but at least you have a sweet hubby and had some other things to make it better!

  22. Summer got locked out of her house too this weekend!! So sad!

    I am so impressed with your healthy holiday eating and down 10 lbs since November? Crazy! I need to jump on that train right away with all the Christmas cookies I’ve been eating.

    Cute new jeans! And shirt with the zippers, for that matter. Hope this week/weekend are better!

  23. Car accidents are the worst! I got in one the week of my graduation, some kid backed into me. It sucks even more when it’s your fault, but what could they expect? He was naked! I had a bad weekend like that recently. I got locked out of my running car so my house keys were also in there and I didn’t have a phone on me…that was awful. Oh, and it was snowing. Boo. I like those pants! I’ve never heard of them before, maybe I’ll have to look for them the next time I need jeans.

  24. I’m glad you found some cute stuff at Buffalo Exchange!

    I would have done a double take too! Good thing you are okay… and it was just a car. 🙂

  25. I dropped one of those Soup at Hands onto my iPhone a couple of weeks ago and just about DIED. Luckily, my iPhone is still alive and well, after some very fast and furious drying and wiping.

    P.S.) Do you know I own that same exact sweatshirt, only in beige? 🙂

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