fill in the blank friday.

It’s Fill in the Blank Friday!

A monstrously large number of you played last week – 118!  The most ever!  Thanks so much for playing along – it’s what keeps me coming up with blanks on a weekly basis :).

1.   Giving is       my favorite.  I love coming up with gifts for other people – gifts that fit their personality perfectly.  I actually wish there was a way I could do this for a living – choosing the perfect gifts for people, since some people really hate the pressure of choosing gifts    .

2.  Receiving is   nice too…although I don’t care about receiving so much at Christmas.  I do however get super excited about getting gifts on my birthday – I love birthdays. Getting gifts at Christmas always kind of makes me feel like I’m stealing Jesus’ thunder…if that makes any sense(?)  .

3.  The best gift I ever received was       a tetherball/pole.  When I was in 4th grade I lived and breathed tetherball at recess and wanted one of my own so badly. Christmas morning I was so sad because I saw nothing “ball-shaped” under the tree, but my dad was tricky and wrapped it in a giant popcorn tin filled with chalk :).  I was ecstatic   .

4.  The best gift I ever gave was   a hanky. I gave it to my mom on my wedding day.  I sewed a piece of her wedding dress and a piece of my veil to it and put it in a music box with a photo of us on it that played a song she really loved.  It took a lot of thought and it’s a present I was quite proud of   .

5.  Something intangible that I wish I could receive is       sewing skills so I could make my own couture clothing :).

6.  Something intangible that I wish I could give is        confidence.  I’d like to figure out a way to give everyone the feeling of being completely wonderful at something.    .

7.  The one gift I always wanted as a child, but never got was       an Easy Bake oven…and the game Mall Madness       .

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!



  1. the gift you gave your mom is precious. what a wonderful and thoughtful gift!

  2. The more I read on your blog… the more I like you. Like Sam I love the gift you gave your Mother… totally thoughtful. I don’t think I did one thing for my Mother on my wedding day. She did a million and one for me though.

    I love that you would give others confidence. What a lovely thought.


  3. I wanted an easy bake as well! Love this fill in the bank!! Hugs my friend! xo

  4. Ditto on the tetherball! It was about 4th grade when I was obsessed, too! ohhh the memories!

    On a side note, tell Portland not to rain this weekend – I’m taking a mini-weekend-vacation from Seattle!

  5. That hanky story is so so so sweet!!!! You are such a kind and thoughtful daughter!!!!!
    Happy holidays friend!!

  6. I had an easy bake oven as a little girl….my cakes NEVER baked in the oven so my mom had to put it in the regular oven. Didn’t quite turn out the way it was supposed to, ever! To this day, baking is not my thing! Coincidence? I think not! I blame it all on my easy bake oven experience. haha.

  7. Wait… time out. The fact that you wanted a tetherball just made you my favorite person ever. That is perfect. And awesome. Perfectly awesome, if you will.

  8. I was just talking to someone about Easy Bake Ovens!

  9. i heart giving gifts. love finding that perfect gift, knowing exactly who it’s for, and watching the excitement as they open it.

    i laughed reading your tetherball comment. made me think of napolean dynamite.

    uh, mall madness? best game EVER. 😉

  10. We had a tetherball pole at my house too! It was so fun except for the times I would grab the rope to stop the neighbor boy from winning. The rope burn hurt pretty bad.

  11. I am trying so hard to learn to sew!! 🙂

  12. Your hanky story is cuteee!!!

    Thank you for always hosting Fill In The Blank Fridays! You’re awesome

    Have a fab weekend!

  13. Hello! Joined your fill in the blank Friday! so fun!!! New follower!! Have a great weekend!!

  14. OMG, 4th grade was the year of tetherball for me, too.

    Um, and… Also… I had Mall Madness and all my bffs were obsessed with it — best game everrr!! “Attention shoppers, there is a sale at the jewelry store!”

  15. Wow, what a blast from the past! I remember Mall Madness! I used to play it at my friend’s house ALL THE TIME, and I was so jealous that she had it.

  16. Clarissa D says:

    I posted for 1/13 🙂 🙂

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