handmade pressies.

I made a lot of very cute things for Christmas.

The sad part is……
I forgot to take photos of most of them :(.


Here are some of the projects I remembered to take pictures of though……….

Wooden bookmarks.
Craig painstakingly cut all the wood sliver thin 
for these bad boys and I did the decoupaging.

Wall Art.

My brother loves the Beatles.
This is for he and his fiance once they get married.  
I thought they could use some decor.  Plus, I like a good excuse to paint :).
I also made him a record bowl which I forgot to take a picture of.
 (see “how-to” video here)

For my mother-in-law.
I kind of wanted to keep this for myself. 

Hot Chocolate + Marshmallows.
I thought it was a good idea to cookie cut my marshmallows 
into little heart shapes.  SOOOOO time consuming!!!
I even sewed little drawstrings on my marshmallow baggies.
Pretty impressive…..
considering I couldn’t sew a button prior to this Christmas.
(see directions here)

Wood-Cookie Chalk Board.
For my dad’s office.
This is the only photo I got of it.
I got a wood cookie from Michael’s and painted it with chalkboard paint.
 I loved how it turned out!

Aside from that I made these scarves for people.
They are deceptively easy.  
Part of me wants to make a tutorial for them.
Part of me wants to keep my secret to myself and sell them on etsy….
Decisions, decisions :).

I also made:

*A felt mug cozy for my mom  (although this seriously challenged my baby/novice sewing skills).
*Mason jars of coffee that Craig home roasted for people.
*A painting for a friend at work with her favorite song lyrics.

And I think that was it.

All this crafting was perfect for the novice crafter (i.e. me), but looked more difficult than it really was.  That’s my favorite kind of crafty project, since I am definitely not Martha….or Katie.  It was fun getting Craig involved too….he’s pretty crafty himself.  Actually….probably more crafty than I am :).

Which reminds me…..we made each other crafty presents for Christmas too!  We weren’t supposed to spend any money, but I cheated and bought Craig a new handmade mug, because it went with the theme of my gift and because we’re slowly trying to replace all our Starbucks mugs with unique handmade ones.

Theme:  Craig’s Coffee Bar.

All of this is “art” for Craig to hang in his “coffee bar”.  We have a wet bar (have I metnioned that before?) that Craig turned into a coffee bar….it still houses alcohol, but primarily coffee fixings.  It’s purely a functional area, but I thought it could use a bit of sprucing up.  That embroidery definitely took a little bit of time, but I like how it turned out.  I also made him a little flip book, so he can change the art whenever he feels like it and each pace has a different cheesy, coffee-related sentiment (i.e. “all you need is love….and a good cup of coffee”).

Here’s my gift from Craig.

Theme: Lauren’s Craft Room

Craig handmade each of these out of scrap wood and created the stencils for them.  They’re for my “craft room”.  I don’t really have one, but soon I will.  We have this office tha we NEVER use and after all the fun I had with Christmas craftiness, Craig said I should make it a craft room and he’ll make me shelving to store my supplies.  Isn’t that the sweetest?  I love my husband.

That is all for handmade pressies!

Au Revoir!



  1. You are one talented lady!! And you never cease to amaze me!!! I say keep your secret about the scarves … hehehe. XO!!!!

  2. Handmade pressies are the best :)Yours look fab!

  3. You are so freaking crafty 🙂 I LOVE IT

  4. Very awesome..
    I love the embodiery..how did u do that??

  5. You have amazing skills!, Those are very wonderful presents

  6. I am so envious of all the handmade gifts. Next year instead of making few gifts I will try to make them all. It was so much fun doing something ‘one of a kind’ and you seem to be an expert at it. A lot of thought goes into handmade gifts and that makes it extraspecial.


  7. love the hot chocolate and marshmellows! what a great idea for the cold winter ahead. xo

  8. Love the embroidery presents! Do you have a tutorial for those? Or are you going to sell them on etsy?

  9. You both did such a great job! Handmade gifts are so much more personal and special than purchased ones. I love this.

  10. All of these are so awesome! I bet everyone just LOVED their gifts 🙂

  11. good work lauren! love seeing people’s craftiness!!!!


  12. Lauren-

    I am MEGA impressed. For reals. And a little jealous about how awesome all of your gifts turned out. You have some mad skills. And if I didn’t like you so much I might have to hate you a little bit for being so cool. Good thing I like you so much. Well, that, and the fact that your little link there made me feel like a champ. Haha. Please please please post pictures of your office/craft room once it’s up and running!

    Love you lots,
    Katie 🙂

  13. I’m really overwhelmed with everything you made!! Wow! I was pretty proud of myself for making little Hot Cinnamon Milk mixes for my family. Ha! You set the bar pretty high! I think you could sell a lot of the things you made on etsy!!

    <3 Ashley

  14. I love all the crafts!! I’m a Beatles fan too and love those paintings.

    Your hubby is the sweetest with those gifts and the promise of shelving…perfection 🙂

    I say sell those scarves on etsy, so cute!

  15. Super cute stuff. YOu did a great job and yes you can send me one of those scarves anytime you like. 🙂 Happy {almost} New Years!

  16. Oh my gosh you crafty girl! I wish I was crafty like that!

  17. Lauren, your projects are inspiring! 🙂 I’m curious to see how your dad’s chalkboard works out…I’ve always wanted to use chalkboard paint but was leery — your board looks great! And Craig? A winner…voluntarily suggesting a craft room? Sweeeet! Do it. Immediately. Before he can change his mind! 😉

  18. AWWWwwww!! You and your hubby are SOOOOOO cute!!!
    I can’t wait to see your craft room! I am sure it will look BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love love love the art you and your hubby created!! {You are both so crafty!!}
    Happy New Year friend!!!

  19. stumbled upon your blog recently, and love it!
    i especially like the embroidery you made for your mother-in-law, and was wondering if you have any easy suggestions how to duplicate it? thanks!

  20. I love your homemade presents! I especially adore the wall art and the scarf! I wouldn’t object to you putting the tutorial up for the scarf…just saying! 😉

  21. Super cute! I love it all – especially the wooden bookmarks! 🙂

  22. Cute, cute, cute! I’ve been feeling the urge to craft myself. Maybe someday I’ll actually get around to it! 🙂

  23. Wow, I am super impressed! All of these gifts look awesome! I especially love the wall hangings for your brother and his fiance. Very cute.

    I saw one of the coolest homemade gifts this year. Friends of mine set a $50 limit for each other’s Christmas gifts. My girlfriend was super upset that her boyfriend cheated by giving her a $.25 ring… that he hand-hammered out of a pre-1975 quarter! It is a gorgeous ring, and because of the date, it’s 90% silver instead of nickel! I told my boyfriend I would think of commissioning him to make our wedding bands when the time comes!

  24. Lauren, I NEED to know how to make those scarves, or you NEED to make one for me! They are so cute, and I’m pretty positive my fiance would think it was pretty awesome 🙂 Thanks ahead of time 😉

  25. I LOVE THEM ALL!!! I so wish I had a creative side…I would die to have these beauties in our house! Great job 🙂 xoxo

  26. I’m in love with all of the gifts, but especially the embroidery!! You should open an Etsy shop. 🙂

  27. Too much cuteness…I can’t stand it! So jealous of your soon-to-be craft room right now! I want to help do cute stuff to it (so I can live vicariously through you) okay?!

  28. I vote you sell your scarves on Etsy, because I want one! I love all these crafts, especially the hot chocolate – I’m a sucker for warmth during the holidays!

  29. Holy handmade! You must have worked on this for months! Good for you dearie. My sister made my husband and I a “All you need is love” painting too and we love it!

  30. love the wooden bookmarks & the embroidery. must make some bookmarks soon.

  31. So… How do I order a scarve? Seriously? :o)

  32. Wow! You are crafty! My fav is the John Lenon quote. 🙂

  33. Yay for your own craft room! Mine is one of the best things that has ever happened to me 🙂

    P.S. I love those wood bookmarks!

  34. This is awesome! Seriously awesome. It’s giving me great ideas already for next Christmas and it’s not even next year yet!

  35. lauren, you are SO creative!!! the bookmarks are so cute, and i love the canvas you made, it came out so good!
    i feel like a craft room is every crafter’s dream come true. i hope you get yours in 2011!

  36. So wonderful! Coming from a crafter who turned it into a business – it’s selfish – but keep that scarf to yourself and run with it!! Sell baby sell!! And send me the link to your etsy site when you do!

  37. You are so talented. I love all the handmade projects. I find that when I make something, that people seem to appreciate it more.

  38. You are such a renaissance woman! I consider it an achievement that I can make coffee. And I predict that you can sell the scarves AND post a diy post and continue to sell scarves. At least I know I will happily buy one! (Because no way in heck could I ever make one. I am diy-challenged, for real.)

    Happy (almost) New Year’s, lady! <3

  39. wow, soo many fun and thoughtful gifts! you and your hubby are quite the crafties!!

  40. These are such great presents! I want to make lots of my own presents next year. I love the record bowl idea.

  41. Great presents. You are so crafty. Where do you find the time?

  42. i love all your little gifts! good job friend!
    I know how to finger knit. Little milla plum showed me how last yeat and i went crazy making all kinds of garland with thick yarn….never used them for scarfs. Looks darling!
    And i like the hot coacoa and marshmellows!
    You can make little smores inside too
    Mason jar with marsh, teddy grahams, and dark chocolate bars.
    I am glad you got all creative this year! its more special and im sure everyone loved them!

  43. How exciting that you get to have a craft room! I just take over my dining room! 🙂

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