my inner fat kid.

Do you have an inner fat kid?

I do.

You know….the one that whispers in your ear
telling you:
“Go ahead.  Have that 7th cookie.”
“Of course deep fried mac & cheese is an excellent source of dairy.”
“Donuts are totally a complex carb and fries count as a vegetable.”
“Just because you had a burger, a bag of cheetos, an 86 oz. cherry slurpee and a gallon of ice cream….that doesn’t make you a glutton!”
Oh wait.  Maybe that’s just me.  Well…my inner fat kid stems for the fact that I actually WAS a fat kid who has now learned to eat in moderation…most of the time.  I don’t tend to bake often since my inner fat kid doesn’t withstand temptation all that well, but were I to indulge her I would definitely bake from my friend Liz’s recipes posted at her blog A Whisk and a Prayer.
Need I say more?
Then let’s talk about
I have no idea how Liz manages 
to not weigh 600 lbs :).
(isn’t she pretty??)
If you’d like to indulge your inner fat kid, 
check out the rest of Liz’s posts at her blog here.


  1. I think my inner fat kid just fell in love with A Whisk and a Prayer.

  2. my weakness is chocolate cupcakes and anything chocolate, really. With Christmas coming around, I don’t know how I’m going to help myself 😀

  3. I have no idea how I do not swell up and become obsese during the holidays. I go especially crazy then. My worst fear is to grow up as an adult and blow up like a balloon – but at the same time, I kind of live by the philosophy that you’re only young once…have that 7th cookie!!!

    I am really bad when it comes to desserts. Pie, pie, pie.

  4. I sooooo have an inner fat kid! And you just brought her out with all of those insane foods!;)

  5. Yummmmmm!!!!!

  6. Oh YUM. These recipes will kill me.

  7. It’s only 9:45 and I’m CRAVING sweets now. They all looked fabulous!

  8. I know what you mean!!! I’m the same way!!!

  9. WOW! What a dangerously delicious site! 🙂

  10. a) Best post title ever.
    b) PBJ french toast?! Stop…
    c) Totally appreciated your comment on my friendship post because yes, it may or may not have been inspired by a friend (or four) who don’t seem to be pulling their weight these days :)… Which really, though, is their loss, because chances are I’m making those Snickers peanut butter cookies and, well, if they don’t come over–more for me, right?

  11. Do I have an inner fat kid? Is the sky blue???

  12. i think i have like 3 inner fat kids!
    that french toast looks sooo good

  13. Um the first ones look too good to believe. I think I need to make those.
    And I totally have a fat kid in me, unfortunately her voice is very loud most of the time.

  14. oh Lauren why did you have to post these?! Great now I’m going to have to add them to my list of things to make. Those snickers cookies are getting added to the list of goodies to make for guys christmas gifts!

  15. i totally have an inner fat kid. probably three. i’m going to bookmark your friend’s blog on my cooking blog list!

  16. So…I’ve made your pumpkin chocolate chip muffins about 4 times since you posted them…and have eaten most of them myself. Now, I’ll just have to begin making the Snickers Stuffed Brownie Chunk Peanut Butter Cookies because they look delicious! Super yum!

  17. My inner fat kid is slowly becoming my outer fat kid, which is not good. THOSE RECIPES LOOK AMAZING. I am such a sucker for desserts.

  18. wft! bring on that fat kid! 🙂

  19. oh my gosh I am drooling over here! It looks so so good! My inner fat kid is telling me to eat the last piece of my Dad’s bday cake haha

  20. You know I have an inner fat kid. I put whipped cream on my cereal for goodness sake! But I somehow manage to control my out-of-control sugar cravings and stuff my fat kid self into a pair of skinny jeans every day…even though some days (like today) they’re a liiiitttttle snug : )

    Apple crisp and ice cream go straight to the hips I tell you! Straight to the hips!

  21. i’m a horrible eater. i love fried food and any junk and fast food. i eat chips and chocolate for breakfast. all i do is crave things all day long and dream about them until i satisfy that craving. i have an inner fat kid in me! i wouldn’t say i was fat… but i definitely was pretty chubby in my younger days!

  22. I have an inner fat kid. I was a fat kid. Now you would say I’m curvy. I like food too much.

  23. Maybe if you’re baking all of the time for a blog you don’t want to eat a crap load of it too?

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