up to my ears in craft supplies.

mason jars.

This is what my dining room table has looked like since last week.
I am up to my ears in craft supplies.

BUT….the end is in sight….

All I have left to do is wrap presents and finish up a couple of last minute items.  Here’s a little sneak peek of some of the projects I’ve already wrapped up….

I’m Looking forward to everyone opening their presents
though and I hope they love them!

Hope all of your last minute details get sorted out!


P.S.  I’m taking the day of from Fill in the Blank Friday tomorrow since it is Christmas Eve afterall :).  Don’t worry…. the blanks will be back next week!


  1. I am so impressed Lauren! Psh, and you claim you don’t know how to sew. That little piece is SUPER adorable. Ah, so amazing. Such wonderful Christmas presents! 🙂 Merry Christmas!

  2. Very cute gift wrap.

  3. So cute Lauren, I love the wrapping job you did!

  4. Did you knit the scarves yourself? What type of stitch do you do? Do you find that the scarf curls in?

    You are so crafty. I wish I could do the same and make some gifts. Maybe next year I will be more prepared.

  5. I love all the cute crafts you have made! So clever!

  6. I love that you just use brown paper. I mean, they have some amazing wrapping paper out there, but it all just looks so good together when you use brown…and all of the ribbon actually goes with it. I really like the little house scene that you made, adorable.

  7. i think you can squeeze some extra time in to make me a scarf. k? ok. 🙂

  8. how lovely! i adore that little house!!!

    and p.s. dont worry about the kitchen table…mine always looks like that! i cant remember the last time i’ve seen the table top! poor husband of mine!

  9. hey, that’s what my house looks like too, so you’re not alone on that 🙂 ooo, i love homemaid gifts, it just shows someone how much you care <3

  10. Wrapping is my fav (oh..apart fro the un wrapping…thats good too 😉

  11. seriously good gifts… um, i’ll be missin some FITBF but understand the absence. Merry Christmas!

  12. agreed awesome gifts and question is there a tutorial for that scarf??


  13. your dining table looks like mine. i am determinded to get it all cleaned up by christmas though!! love the craftiness…

    merry christmas lauren!


  14. The finger knit scarf looks really good! I think I’m going to need to make one of those. Merry Christmas!

  15. I would really like that scarf… or the patience and the skill to make it for myself…:)

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