30 days of being girly.

I’m already pretty girly.
I like lace and ribbon and dresses and nail polish.
I like to put together cute outfits and get dressed up for parties.

{photo via weheartit}

One “girly skill” I don’t possess is 
the skill of doing my hair and makeup.
{photo via weheartit}

Thus this has become my New Year’s Resolution….sort of.

I’m participating in a 30 Day Challenge over at the blog Ground Rules started by Lisa Warninger of Urban Weeds.
My challenge is to do my hair and/or makeup differently every day.  I’ll be video blogging every day for 30 days about my progress. Here’s my first post.  I’m really nervous about video blogging.  It’s kind of awkward and uncomfortable for me, but I’m hoping to get over it by the time 30 days is up.  I’m really excited to be blogging with so many other lovely bloggers though!

In addition to learning to do my hair and makeup (which was a failed resolution for me last year) I want to eat more whole foods and less convenience foods.  The goal is to eat less packaged “on-the-go” foods and more fruits, veggies, nuts and the like.  My goals last year were semi-successful.  I wore more skirts and dresses, got back to the gym, planned a vacation and spent more time being crafty.  Four out of seven isn’t bad, so I’ve got high hopes for this year’s goals.

What are your New Year’s resolutions?
Do you usually keep them?
Please share!



  1. very very excited to see you every day!

  2. What a great challenge! I think I might have to try your 2010 resolution of wearing more skirts and dresses; I live in jeans.

    I’m not big on resolutions but I do have a goal to be more colourful, starting with the recent makeover my blog got and hopefully progressing to a makeover of my own.

    Colourful dresses?

  3. I’m girly, too. And I also don’t know how to do much with hair or makeup – I tend to do the same thing all the time. This is a great challenge! I look forward to watching/learning! 🙂

  4. I almost never keep my resolutions, so my only official one this year is to take a self portrait every day. Learning how to do my hair might have to be part of that!

  5. Hair and make-up is one thing I’m taking more time with. One goal I want to do for 2011 is dressing more girly. I’ve always been a jeans, sneakers, t-shirt/hoodie type of girl, but since I also have a big weight loss goal this year I plan on buying new clothes girly clothes once I start shedding the pounds.

  6. I’m looking forward to following along. I’m in need of some hair inspiration.

  7. This is great! I’ve looked through the other videos too and I envy you being able to do it. I don’t know whether I’d have the stamina x

  8. Just Regular blogging makes me nervous, I couldn’t imagine video blogging! I’m sure you will do a great job. I think that sounds like an awesome resolution especially since it only last one month, seems much more attainable. Good luck!

  9. i loveee this idea of doing hair and makeup differently. cant wait to see/hear more and get some inspiration!

  10. Oh wow Lauren, very ambitious! I’m horrible with my hair and makeup too so I can’t wait to see how your journey goes!

  11. I love this challenge! I would totally do it as well if I wasn’t about to have a newborn. Because once that happens I will barely have time to wash my hair let alone style it!
    Cant wait to see what you do each day!

  12. I can’t wait to see your videos each day…I’m totally going to use you as my master…I’m the gal who loves what everyone else does, wishes she could do it, gets up the courage to try it, but then quickly changes it to an easy bun/make up you can hardly see 10 seconds before leaving home. Good luck! I shall be cheering you on! 🙂

  13. I just watched your day 2 challenge. The bun looked super cute with your glasses! I honestly don’t even think I could manage doing a bun like that. My skills are completely pathetic. All I can handle are straightening my hair and putting it in a ponytail.

  14. Okay, so, I totally know how you feel about the hair and makeup thing. I love clothes too, but I possess zero hair/makeup skills. I’m really looking forward to your 30 day challenge. 🙂

  15. I can’t wait to read more and see your artwork. I am such a creature of habit when it comes to my hair. Can’t wait to see you in February … loved our chat and I am so excited for EVERYTHING!!! Oh, and I am buying a jump rope tonight :)!!! XO XO XO!

  16. I do best when I have an actual tangible goal..like for example, my only real resolution this year is to read at last 1 book a month. I have other things I want to do more of, like eat more fruits and veggies, but since it’s so open ended I don’t feel like I can really track my progress as well.

  17. your video was adorable. don’t be shy! i’m excited to see your transformation 🙂

  18. Happy New Year, Lauren! My goals this year are to live/eat/be healthier, appreciate my loved ones more, be more assertive, and oh yeah, finish my darn novel already. I think your resolutions are great — I look forward to seeing your new posts on Ground Rules. I learned how to manage my hair at a young age, after puberty made my erstwhile straight hair morph into poodle-esque frizz. But while I’m handy with a blow dryer and hair iron, I’m not great at creating more complex styles. Ditto goes for makeup. I look forward to learning some styling tips from you! 🙂

  19. that’s a perfect idea! i love it!

    i’m also kind of batty, and did 111 for 2011. it’s more of a to-do list, but i’m committed!

    its at my blog, http://www.thetinysprout.com

    xo.anna marie

  20. I’m looking forward to following your progress… My “goal” not “resolution” this year is to wear more dresses, so I might need a little more inspiration for girly things 🙂

  21. That’s such a good project. I’m so bad at being girly because I can’t wear a skirt too often to work since I’m often climbing on things and tearing things apart and sweating…so I’ve been really bad about being girly. I like this challenge though, I’m excited to see what you do!

  22. I’ve been enjoying watching you try out hairstyles. It’s such a fun challenge although I don’t think that I could do it. I hate seeing myself on video. You’re doing a great job, keep it up!

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