fill in the blank friday.

Ummmm….apparently you guys like filling in blanks or something.  125 of you played along last week and I’m pretty sure that’s a new record.  I think the second highest was 119.  I suppose I could go back through the archives and check, but I’m too lazy for that, so we’ll just assume I’m right.  OK?  OK.  Anyway, I am very glad you all play along and enjoy it because sometimes I kind of hate coming up with them, but then I remember how much you like it so I keep doing it.  I think maybe one day I’ll have to bequeath these blanks to someone else and make them the official blank maker, but for now I guess you’re stuck with me :).

You know the drill: if you want to play along, just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then link up using the linky at the end of the post.  OK.  Now on to your random blanks for the day…..

1.   If my house was on fire and I could only grab 3 things I would grab       my laptop, our dining room table that Craig slaved to make (it was truly a work of love), and the G-Wagen…it’s one of two in the U.S. and it makes me feel fancier than I am when I ride around in it.  Oh…and I’m only choosing inanimate objects…obviously I’d bring Craig and Marley!    .

2.  A smell I really like is    baking bread, clean laundry and the Capri Blue candle from Anthro. I also oddly love the smell of fiberglass   .

3.  Something you might not know about me is       that I am an excellent speller. I won a spelling bee in middle school. Totally legit, right?    .

4.  Some of my favorite websites to putter about on are   Into the Gloss, WantistColor Collective, A Beautiful Mess,and obviously it goes without saying, Design*Sponge. All of these sites leave me delving so far into the archives that I forget how I got there!       .

5.  This weekend I will     be styling boudoir shoots at the Ace! Also, I’ll be going on a double date. Setting my friend up on a blind date. I’ve never really set anyone up before, so it could be a complete and utter disaster, but I’m hoping for the best…or actually…I’m mostly hoping for not-awkward  .

6. Nothing makes me happier than       the feeling I get when I wake up on a Saturday morning and realize I get to sleep in. So many things make me happy, but I’ve been SO tired this week that this sounds like absolute bliss     .

7.  A bad habit I have is       not washing my hair often enough. (see evidence here…warning it’s kind of gross)      .

Hope your weekend is filled with fun!



  1. i wanna play! i think i’ll make mine fill in the blanks mondays or tuesdays since i have a feature already on fridays 🙂

  2. That wagon is one fancy automobile! Wowza! I love that your hubby went on a great big adventure to procure it!
    I definitely don’t wash my hair often enough and it makes me happy to hear that I’m not the only one. I just throw it in a tight pony or a bun whenever it’s getting a bit too funky! Haha!
    Thanks for posting these, even if it sometimes feels like a chore. I love answering them, it make me feel like the blogging week is over and the weekend of rest/adventure with my hubby can officially begin. Really I love the questions you come up with and appreciate that you do this!
    ~Mrs. B

  3. Eek, on my link I wanted a ♥ not a ? >.< I love your questions every week. I hope you never stop!!! If you do, I hope you place FITBF in good hands!

  4. I was the spelling bee champ of my school when I was in fifth grade. Obviously, this is something that sticks with you. 🙂

  5. I love your coming up with blank filling skills!!! It completes my Friday!!! Hope you have a great weekend, and thanks for doing this for us!!

  6. Isn’t sleeping in the best? There’s not a whole lot better than waking up in the morning on your own terms…no alarm, no screaming kid, no husband going off to work. Just a peaceful morning!


  8. I think I just had a mild heart attack when I saw that you had a g-wagen. that is kinda my DREAM CAR! I can’t even think of a 3rd thing to bring because I would want to bring my gwagen that I don’t have yet. 🙂

  9. Ah I wish you lived here so you could style the boudoir shoot I’m doing in August!

    Happy weekend Lauren!

  10. You are so funny!! Have a wonderful weekend friend!! I hope the blind date goes well for your friend!! 🙂 xoxo

  11. You should have guest blank-makers! See who does your fill-ins really frequently and ask them to guest host a Friday!

  12. Corey and I were set up on a blind date by my sis and now we’re married! 🙂 I’m a big believer in them!

    Also, I’m totally guilty of not washing my hair as much as I probably should… it’s just so much work.. and I’m lazy! haha

    Have a great weekend!

  13. I think this is the first time Ive linked up but I have wanted to forever! Such a great idea!
    Loove the smell of baking bread. And jealous of your spelling skills!

  14. It’s a lot of work coming up with these creative blanks every week! Thanks for doing it

  15. I LOVE the idea of guest blank makers and have them host on their blogs! I have loved your Fill in the Blanks Friday for a long time now and even though I don’t always do it, I love reading along when I don’t have time to post!

  16. What if you had readers submit ideas for Fill in the Blanks? You’d have fresh fodder, maybe?

  17. My first time posting this week, though I’ve enjoyed these for some time!

  18. Hey Lauren! I just wanted to let you know that I awarded you! 🙂

  19. Ooooh a boudoir photo shoot! Fun! I did one of those as a gift for the hubby. Enjoy your weekend; praying for an awkward-free double date:-) xoxo

  20. Oh, please don’t stop with the blanks! You do such a great job, sweet girl. Enjoy sleeping in tomorrow morning!

  21. Loved this Lauren! Thanks for letting us play along. I put this on my blog and linked it back to you 🙂


  22. Lauren, I am #135. That’s awesome that 135 people have participated in your FITBF. And there’s probably more to come.

    I can’t believe Craig made a table!!!!! That’s so cool.

  23. Thanks for hosting FITBF – it’s my first time playing and I’m extra excited! Mom says blind-dates are supposed to be awkward. If you can get through that akwardness AND actually want to see the guy again, then you know he’s a keeper!

  24. I’m a new GFC follower…Some Kind of Wonderful sent me over. I’d love to do this with you. If your linky runs through the weekend I’ll get to it before the EOD Sunday. I have to get ready to shop now!


  25. i too am an excellent speller… i ALMOST won a spelling bee in middle school. a professor in college told us that spelling is not indication of intelligence, but i’m convinced it was just because he is a terrible speller 🙂

    and i agree with you on how amazing it feels to wake up and remember it’s sleeping-in day 🙂

  26. I didn’t get to play along on Friday, but I figured Sunday wasn’t necessarily too late to post it. I’ll try to play along every Friday from now on. What a cute idea!

    <3 Rachel

    P.S. I love your blog

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