fill in the blank friday.

Today’s blanks were inspired by a little project I did with my kiddos at work.  There’s a book called “Taking a Bath With the Dog (and other things that make me happy)” where this little girl is feeling super sad so she thinks of things that make her feel happy and writes out a list.  We made lists with our students of things that make them feel happy and it was SO cute to read all of the funny things they came up with.  SO….in that same vein I thought I’d feelings inspired fill-in-the-blanks.  Hope you enjoy!  To play along, just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then link back using the linky at the end of the post!

1.   I feel happy when       I’m watching Will Ferrell movies. When I’m playing with the kiddos in my class. When Marley smiles (she really does smile…it’s crazy!). When Craig brings home flowers. When I am being creative and doing the things that I love    .

2.  I get silly when    it’s late at night and I stay up past the point of tiredness. Usually this happens when I’m lying in bed and Craig is trying to sleep and I can’t quit talking about random crap and then I start getting silly   .

3.  Something that makes me sad is       when people say mean things about you when they don’t really know you or where you’re coming from    .

4.  Something that makes me annoyed is   well…there are a lot of little things. People that drive slow. New Year’s resolutioners taking up all the good machines at the gym. Too many sports on TV….etc…etc….    .

5.  A time that I’ve been truly surprised was        when Craig proposed  .

6.  I am so thankful for        my husband. He loves me 100% the way I am and will always defend my honor to anyone, but will also call me on my crap when necessary     .

7.  I feel loved when       I am spending quality time with the people I love…like when Craig plans a coffee date for us or a friend invites me to hang out and read magazines.  I’m definitely a quality time girl        .

Happy weekending!



  1. I am totally with you on your answer to what makes you silly. Exhaustion will do it every time!!
    Have a wonderful weekend friend and TGIF!!

  2. I totally say Monte smiles as well. I love dog smiles!

    Happy weekend!

  3. Love this!! You are such a great person Lauren! Love your honesty! xo

  4. 1. I feel happy when: I go for long drives and stop at herb-y shops and fruit stands- anything that’s simple and spontanious 🙂

    2. I get silly when: i’m tired :D. also when i’m with my mom; we really get along well and i always feel like i can just be myself entirely around her.

    3. Something that makes me sad is: those animal abuse/neglect commercials. i always have to change the channel and end up crying anyways; i just LOVE animals, and those commercials make me so sad 🙁

    4. Something that makes me annoyed is: girls who are materialistic and have whiny voices, country music, people who live life routinely… but who am i to judge?

    5. A time that I’ve been truly surprised was: when someone asked me to draw a picture for their band cover (we’re still in high school, nothing major, but still… i was shocked that they’d ask me)

    6. I am so thankful for: my family, and that i have such a good relationship with my gramma; we’re real close

    7. I feel loved when: someone will go out of the way for me, make a certain dinner, something like that. knowing that they’re thinking of me

  5. haha will ferrell mis definitely one funny guy 🙂 love the fill in the blank link ups!

  6. Aww, bummed I didn’t have the chance to partake in this past week’s ‘Fill in the Blank’ Friday.. hopefully this week! 🙂

    PS – I am lovin your bog, so I thought I’d give you a shout out 🙂

  7. My boyfriend and I have those exact same mugs!

    xoxo Lorelai

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