tv will be the death of me.

TV is a total waste of time.

I know this.
But, does it stop me from watching?
Nope.  It sucks me in every time and always makes me want stupid crap.


Last night while flipping channels we came across Dog the Bounty Hunter.  And for some reason that I can’t remember he had a little baby boar.  I forgot the back story because I was so busy ooohing and aaaahing over how freaking cute the boar was.  I’ve decided that I really need one.  I want to walk it on a leash and knit it sweaters.  I even googled prices.  It was only then that I stopped and realized how ridiculous a baby boar would be (I know… you probably thought I would’ve realized this sooner…).  It would probably tear up the backyard and dig in the garbage and maim Marley with it’s wild boar tusks (I’m pretty sure boars have tusks right?).  Anyway, after seeing this little guy, can you blame me?  Adorable.

Here’s a YouTube video of a little boar named Rudy.
It kills me how cute he is!


The Jack Lalanne Power Juicer

(I totally watched this entire infomercial at the gym 
and even jotted down the website in my iPhone – embarassing, but true)

Do I need a Power Juicer?

Do I need a baby boar.

Moral of the story:
TV is stupid, but I still love it.



  1. i love how old that commercial is haha
    their outfits are priceless

  2. haha yeh, when it gets to 11.30pm and you’ve been staring at the screen & realise you haven’t watched a damm thing..thats when you realise how crap it is.. 🙂

  3. haha… I want this power juicer too!

  4. amazing!

    my husband was deadset on getting a mini horse for awhile after watching some silly show on mtv (rob & big, maybe?) to play with our great dane. i’m pretty sure he had this whole mini horse/great dane bff friendship going on in his mind!

    i’m also a total sucker for infomercials. but wait!

    xo.anna marie

  5. Hahaha. I don’t think there’s anyone out there who hasn’t been sucked in by an infomercial at one time or another. And I’d totally love a little baby boar too. So freaking cute! 🙂

  6. LOL! i get it…i am obsessed with anything and all things pigs and that little boar is way too cute! on another note…we started out the new year by getting rid of our cable (gasp, right?). i totally panicked at first…”no more housewives on bravo???!!!”, but it has been 2 weeks and i can report that i am doing just fine and really enjoying the book i started reading instead of getting sucked into the tv 🙂

  7. haha this made me giggle, i too also watch the informaricals..without ever needed the products,i juts stand there thinking “wow amazing…”hahaha
    x cute blog! x

  8. baby boar = cuteness, full sized boar = danger
    my guilty pleasures are 16 and pregnant and animal hoarders, it’s like i’m mesmerized by them. we humans are so silly!

  9. baby boars are adorable, and you want to know what else is adorable and more do-able? mini pot belly pigs. my cousin had one when we were younger, and he would follow you around, come when you called him and demand affection just like a dog. i keep insisting that chris surprise me with a donkey. i mean, we have 140 acres, so it would be a crime NOT to have a donkey.

    lauren, if i ever find out you watch ridiculous infomercials again, i promise to hopa flight to portland, march right over to your house, and whip your butt. but at least you’re on the right track, because the first step is admitting you have a problem.

    miss you and love you!

  10. I’m sorry but you could not be more wrong! You may not need a boar, but you DO need the Power Juicer! My sister-in-law’s ex bought one for her and it is absolutely amazing. You pretty much can’t go wrong with it- once she mixed grapes, carrots, apples and kiwi, and it was phenomenal. I want one too!

  11. This might make having one as a pet worth it for two seconds though!

    happy monday!

  12. I now want a Baby boar…
    I just watched that vedio of a baby boar while pointing at it and making high-pitched noises at my boyfriend.
    Meanwhile he’s going 2″You’re not getting a baby boar…no….no…no….You know in a couple of years they’ll eat it…”
    Yeah, such a lovely man.

    Holly ♥

  13. TV sucks you in every time – I can attest to that. Perhaps you could sell your TVs as a solution?? Just a suggestion : ) I’m sure Craig won’t go for it, but I thought I’d try : )

  14. we have a juicer and we love it!!!!
    we gave away our tv but that doesnt stop me from watching netflix or hulu….but i cant flip through channels so i guess i save some time.



  15. OMG, that boar is SOOOOO cute! I love when he was itching himself and stretching his legs… so funny!
    We don’t have tv, but the same thing happens with the internet. it is maybe worse because I have to be on it many times and start out “working” and then get easily distracted or sucked into something that just eats my time. it is frustrating.
    have a good day!

  16. Oh my gosh that baby boar is SO CUTE!

  17. I love stupid tv too. I can’t help it. It just sucks you in. Unfortunately I’m addicted to the Real Houswives of Beverly Hills & Jersey Shore. I couldn’t tell you why, it’s not my style or personality at all! Maybe that is why I like it… hmmm.

  18. No tv here! Al we watch is netflix!

  19. This is why we only have 12 channels, and those don’t even get watched. Cable is absurdly expensive for what you get (though it gives you funny things to blog about)! That baby boar is so cute, I showed the video to Bennett and he kept squealing like he does when he sees a cute animal…he liked to too! 🙂 I hope you’re having a good monday!

  20. haha I love this post. I’m the same way with TV. Love it, hate it, hate to love it 🙂 I think we should both get baby boars.

  21. I have totally watched that infomercial before.

    I also bought a set of Sham Wow towels once. Embarrassing!


  22. Haha! TV is the ultimate time zapper for sure. We thought we would solve that problem and get rid of Tv, switching to Netflix as our entertainment instead.
    Yeah, that worked. Tv shows that I didn’t even know existed are now available for me to stream on the TV anytime I want, and I can watch an entire season sans commercials.

  23. Amen to that. My brother in law likes Jersey Shore and he doesn’t have TV so I ended up watching the new episode with him. I like reality TV, it’s a vice, but that’s definitely pushing it. Some things…you just never need to see.

  24. Thanks for making me laugh today, and that baby boar is just too cute.

  25. HA! I like that you wanted a boar and a juicer …. !!! <3 I am going to email you more so around the middle of the week with my ideas ... XO!!!!

  26. Ooooh my, that little boar is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I’m a sucker for blogs… not so much tv. I have a tv, but I don’t actually get any channels. I just watch the occasional dvd. I’m thinking of getting tv, however… sometimes the house is just too quiet without it! I think it might be nice to have! I love your blog & hope your week is off to a great start! xo

  27. Wow, now I want a baby boar! I also have a love of TV. Watching America’s Next Top Model has been my mid-week study break ritual since I was an undergrad.

  28. Haha, this is great! I’d split the boar with you, though!

  29. Hahaha! I love both the baby boar and ALWAYS wanted the Juicemaker. True story. TV rots your brain…and I work it in so I would know. 🙂

  30. Hahaha! Oh my goodness! The baby boar IS cute! I don’t think I’d like it once it got bigger though…

    And, My parent’s totally have that juicer.. it’s AMAZING but it’s hard to clean so we never used it as often as we should have. But it’s so fun to put the fruits and veggies in and watch how much juice comes out of them!

    I am OBSESSED with T.V. and since I don’t work nor do I go to school, I get to watch a lot of it–I’m not complaining! There is always something “good” to watch. My guilty pleasures right now are Bridalplasty and Jerseylicious! Hahaha!

  31. haha so true! all of those infomercials have a strange power over me… LOL

  32. I love the power juicer. That one is actually good!

  33. I have a theory that infomercials are laced with subliminal hypnotic messages that temporarily paralyze you from changing the channel. I can’t stop watching them either! *unless there’s audience participation, in which case the hypnosis is broken*.

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