big girl underwear.

I bought my first pair of big girl underwear.

Now you may be wondering:
“What exactly does she mean by ‘big girl underwear‘?”

Well, let me tell you….I went into Lille Boutique.  
(Remember when I mentioned wanting a V-day gift from there?)

I went in with Lisa on some “official” Urban Weeds business and walked out with a pretty pair of lacy black undies (*side note: I have the best internship ever – lunches and coffee and lingerie shopping are all part of the gig).  Prior to this the nicest underwear I owned were from Victoria’s Secret.  Not that there’s anything wrong with a little VS, but still, it’s not exactly on the same level as Stella McCartney.  Most of my unders are of the comfy Target persuasion so this was definitely a step-up and now I’m not quite sure I’ll ever be able to look at my Target skivvies the same again.  I like to think I am now destined to have a closet full of pretty undergarments – “big girl underwear” if you will.  It’s about time since I am 26 and all :).  Gone are the days of quirky little birds on my underwear.  Those are cute too, but it’s all lace and quality from here on out.

Here are some of the items on my wishlist….
(underwear is totally an investment….right?)

Apparently I have champagne taste and a beer budget.
And not even the good, local micro-brew kind of budget….
a PBR budget.  A girl can dream though!



  1. I’m in love with the last bra! Totally classy.

  2. PRETTY!

    Sweetie, I have a tap water budget. At least you’ve got beer 😉

  3. Oooh pretty underpinnings. Just make sure you don’t mistakingly buy a garter thinking it’s a fancy bra. It’s happened to some people….

  4. Cute post and cute undies…oh Stella you know the way to lauren’s heart and pocket book!

  5. ugh seriously SO gorgeous.
    i want to redo my lingerie collection – it’s a little “high school”.

    sounds like the perfect internship!

  6. Underwear is TOTALLY an investment!!! and those ones are totally worth the splurge!! I buy all my underthings from VS and I have some pretty ones {lacy and otherwise} but these are beautiful!!! I love that first pair of underwear!!

  7. I love these, I have the bra in the 4th pic, it is SO comfy!

  8. Total investment! But take it from me (all I wear is “big girl underwear”) (and in Canada my girlfriends and I actually cross the boarder to shop at VS because it’s better than anything here). You’ll really want to hand wash. Otherwise they don’t last long at all!!

  9. “Underwear is a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT!” (Confessions of a Shopaholic). 🙂

  10. Just laughed out loud… We’re SO on the same page–especially since Radley works at Target and literally everything that I can buy cheap, I do. (Go figure.) You’ve totally inspired me to step up my game, though… Add it to my (growing) list of things to try in 2011!

  11. pretty pretty! I’ve been wanting to go into lille so bad, just scared of the price tags! I’m 28 and have no “big girl undies” either, just cheapo depot ones! But I’m craving having nicer things lately. Thinking V-day will be a good excuse to the hubs to splurge on some new pretty underoos!

  12. Very classy and adorable. And funnily enough, I knew *exactly* what you meant by “big girl underwear” just from the title. Maybe this is something a lot of 20somethings go through? Haha. 🙂

  13. Those last two are so pretty! I don’t have anything too expensive, mostly just VS, but would love to lounge around in expensive lacies all the time.

  14. Yes! Love good underwear! We are a Bjorn Borg couple:-)

  15. Jen and I have more big girl underwear and lingerie than we do clothing. 😛 We love shopping for pretty, lacey, silky, hott things. We have cutesy stuff too (like underwear with cupcakes on them ♥) but a lot of it is smokin’ or classy too. ^_^

  16. i looove the last mini corset bra! pretty undies always make me feel special

  17. I’m still in comfy Victoria’s Secret 5 for $25 cotton land, but this stuff is so pretty it makes me want to switch!

  18. Those are super pretty!

    I awarded you with the Stylish blogger award =)

    Take care,

  19. very pretty- but seriously WHO can afford this stuff? who??

  20. What’s funny with me is back when I was in my late teens/early 20s, I use to always buy and wear “big girl underwear”. Now that I am on the verge of mid 30s, all I want is cotton underwear, strange huh? With that said, I really like the soft plunge cotton bra.

  21. Love this post! Thanks for the love, Lauren. Just so everyone knows, we have TONS of affordable cotton basics ranging from $10-30, in addition to all the exquisite $200-300 items that are for special-occasion splurges. Stop by sometime, and we’ll happily find some gorgeous lingerie in your price range. xoxo Sarah from Lille

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