dear husband.

Reason #583: Why I love my husband….

He gets real excited about us having matching Sperry’s and makes us stop to take pictures of our matchy-matchy feet in the middle of restaurants.

Dear Craig,
You are cute.  And I love you.

Happy Valentine’s Day…..even though you hate it.  Don’t worry….I promise I’m not just saying I love you because Hallmark told me to.  I really actually do.  Like….a lot.  

Happy Valentine’s Day 
to all my bloggy friends as well!



  1. Cute matchy shoes ha! Happy Valentines day to you both! x

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day girl. 🙂 This picture made me laugh, it’s just so cute!

  3. you guys are too cute.
    happy love day.

  4. ooh so cute! have a beautiful day Lauren!

  5. That is so darn cute! Happy Valentine’s to you too 🙂

  6. Too cute! Happy Vday to you!

    Lauren @ tickled.

  7. Oh my gosh, you two are adorable.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  8. 🙂 Happy Valentines Day beautiful!!! xo

  9. Cute shoes! I can just see you guys matching and being so cute together.

    Hope you two have a lovely v-day! Miss you! Hugs, Dana

  10. So cute. Now that is love! LOL… I feel like I need a pair of Sperry’s now that I boat in the summer. 🙂

  11. too funny. and, okay, a little silly and sappy 😉

    love you, pretty lady! happy valentine’s day!

  12. Love it! Happy Valentines Day!

  13. a-dor-able!

  14. haha so cute! I mean almost too cute. Happy Valentines Day!

  15. This is too cute! I love the matching shoes:-) I might have to convince my hubby to join the sperry club. Happy Valentines to you two lovebirds! xoxo

  16. Cute! Love the matching shoes 🙂

  17. Those are awesome matching shoes! I have wanted boat shoes for SO long, but I haven’t decided on a certain pair yet. it’s a hard choice.

  18. Aww, happy Valentine’s Day 🙂 You two are absolutely adorable!

  19. I love that you have matching shoes!
    Happy Valentine’s Day darling!

  20. awwwww cute!!!

    happy valentine’s day!

  21. CUTE! I love Sperrys! My husband has a couple pair — it looks like I need to get some ;).
    Have a LOVELY day.
    <3 leigh

  22. You guys are TOO cute. I love your matching Sperry’s and I’m slightly jealous you got those boots because they are so adorable, but don’t look as good on me as they do on you.

  23. Matt and I don’t have shoes that match… I feel empty about that suddenly.
    I hope you had a lovely V Day and not just because it is VDay but because every day should be lovely. Halmark said so.

  24. Ahhh and I get to see the two of you oh so soon!!! I love that two of you have matching shoes. Can you guys be any cuter?? Hugs and Love my sweet friend!!!!!! XO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Happy Valentines day. Those cutise shoes are very swagger!

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