fill in the blank friday.


You guys are totally blowing my mind with your Fill in the Blank love.  144 of you linked up this last week!  That’s just pure insanity!  Hope you enjoy this week’s round of blanks.  If you want to play along just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then post your link at the end of this post.  Enjoy!

1.   I am currently obsessed with       chevron anything. I want chevron printed curtains, towels, tiles and sweaters. I’m even contemplating painting the outside of our house…ha! OK…not really  .

2.  Today I am    annoyed     because,    we had a two-hour late start due to the snow (not really much to speak of, but this is Oregon people). I ended up having to come in at the same time anyway :(. Super lame   .

3.  The age I am is    26     and the age I feel is    dependent on the day. I think most times I feel like I’m a 26 year old grownup….since I’m married with a house and a dog and I own a crockpot (all grownups apparently own crockpots). But I guess it depends on the day. Sometimes I feel like I’m nowhere near being a grownup    .

4.  My favorite place is     my house, because it’s cozy and it’s mine. I also love Stumptown, especially at The Ace Hotel. Curling up with a cup of coffee is my favorite  .

5.  Something I have been procrastinating is     tackling my craft room. It’s a disaster in there. Time to purge and revamp. Maybe next weekend…this weekend is dedicated to hanging out with Caroline since she’s in town visiting!! Yay!  .

6.  The last thing I purchased was        coffee @ Stumptown when I was feeling grumpy about my lack of a snow day   .

7.  The thing I love most about my home is       who I share it with…That’s really what makes a house a home. I also love that it feels warm and inviting. Even though my home isn’t going to be gracing any design blogs, friends always comment on how cozy it is. I’d choose cozy over chic any day 🙂    .

Hope your weekend is filled with loveliness!



  1. I love that because you own a crockpot you are officially an adult. My brother and sister-in-law gave me a crock pot for the holidays and I just used it for the first time tonight. I guess that makes me a grown-up as well!

  2. Coffee is go-to “treat” for myself too! 🙂

  3. Love your answers. We have a crock pot… so does that make us adults?

  4. omg i too LOVE chevron! i want it all over the place! xxoo

  5. I’ve always understood the old phrase “home is where the heart is” to mean “home is where the people you love are”.

    I’ve got 2 crockpots and a mini one that warms up sauces… does that make me a grandma or something?

  6. I looooove the Chevron! 🙂 it matches my blog button!

  7. i’d choose cozy over chic any day too! 🙂

  8. LOL of course all grown ups have crock pots…although mine is currently used to store other kitchen items in LOL!

  9. I am totally jealous of your crockpot… I want one… I have been shopping around for one… maybe on payday….

    Hoorah over 100 links yet again!! I have found so many fun blogs from this!! And it’s a super fun way to wile away a slow Friday at work.. 🙂

    Thanks for being amazing!

  10. Funny that I am visiting and LOVING the snow … oh Californians!! 🙂 Can’t wait for our snow day tomorrow. YAY YAY YAY!!! XO!

  11. I totally wish I was 26 again but if I were 26, I don’t think I would want to own a crockpot just yet. It is definitely a tell-tale sign you are an adult.

    From what I have seen in some of your photos, we have a cute and cozy home, no wonder you love it so much.

    Have a nice weekend, lady!

  12. This is such a good idea, I can’t wait to play this Friday!

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