fill in the blank friday.


You can all rest easy your Fill in the Blank Fridays are once again complete with links thanks to Simply Linked.  Thanks Simply Linked!  How many times can I use the word link in a sentence? Link, link, link.  OK.  Moving on…..

Today’s blanks are brought to you by Miss Shaunie over at Unknown-Boutique.  Thanks for coming up with these great blanks Shaunie!  The theme is “guilty pleasures”.  If you want to play along, just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then link up using the link at the end of the post.  Link, link, link.  I did it again!!

1.   The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is       I don’t really think I have an embarrassing answer for this. I don’t read any embarrassing websites and while I definitely watch some embarrassing TV shows, I’m not really embarrassed because everyone who really knows me knows what a sucker I am for trashy reality TV  .

2.  An item of clothing that is worn and torn but that I love far to much to throw away is    non-existent! I’m a clothing purger. It’s kind of annoying actually because I always end up getting rid of things right before they come back on trend. I guess if I had to name one thing it would be my Paige Jeans. They’re totally ripped in the crotch, but I can’t bring myself to throw them away even though I’ll never be able to have them repaired. I think I probably just keep them because they were so expensive – haha!   .

3.  My grocery store impulse buy is       French bread. I can never resist the smell of the fresh baked baguettes around 5:00. They get me every time   .

4.  Something I do at work to pass time that I wouldn’t want my co-workers to know about is   make lists. I make lists of the most random things sometimes   .

5.  One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is     social networking. Blogging, Facebook, Twitter…all totally addictive. Although I won’t say I’d NEVER give it up. If for some reason if interfered with my life I’d totally quit, but it would be tough  .

6.  A little indulgence that I have is        eating dessert for dinner – usually ice cream. I do it often in the summer…but I have to be sneaky, because Craig’s always trying to make me eat vegetables. Sorry Craig. In the summer, nothing sounds better than fro-yo for dinner.  Mmmmmm!     .

7.  The junk drawer/area in my house is       not just in one area. I have a junk drawer in my kitchen. One in the bathroom. And pretty much our second bedroom is the junk room. Sad, but true     .

What guilty pleasures are you indulging in this weekend?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay for a functioning link tool!
    Question #7 is totally my secret shame. Our guest room is a disaster and it seems like every time we clean it enough to make it function it turns into a giant disaster a week later. =)

  3. I’m a big list maker myself. Usually my lists end up on post it notes that find their way stuck somewhere in my purse! haha. Have a good weekend!

    – Jessica

  4. two words: strawberry cake.

    Friend, I got your letter and it made me so happy! Thanks for sending it! I’ll write you back soon : )

  5. Great questions! I loved answering them.

  6. girl, i am with you on the french bread thing! fresh french bread is the best!

    love fill in the blank fridays!

  7. I love french bread too! 🙂

  8. mmm bread. And you totally need to take your jeans to the lady that fixes ours…she’s great at repairing crotch holes 🙂 So excited for dinner!

  9. I have a pair of Sevens with a hole in the crotch that I’m still holding onto…boo. Maybe we should play dress-up AND go shopping for discount designer denim? Happy Friday girl! xoxo

  10. French bread, brie, and some wine … Yummy

  11. I love fill in the blank friday. so fun.

  12. i am the exact same way!! i throw/give away clothes and i always regret it. i don’t have enough clothes as it is… i really gotta stop that

  13. Hi, I just found your blog and am so happy!!! I love your “fill in the blank” posts and can’t wait to do one myself 🙂


  14. 1. The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is… reality tv. yeah… but it’s so addicting!

    2. An item of clothing that is worn and torn but that I love far to much to throw away is… my old Aldo sneakers. they used to be my fav, but now they have holes in the heels 🙁

    3. My grocery store impulse buy is… those fancy fruit sodas that you find at cafes.

    4. Something I do at work to pass time that I wouldn’t want my co-workers to know about is… sorry, i don’t work. but at school… i people watch. a lot. it’s kinda embarassing, actually. i also sing songs inside my head 🙂

    5. One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is… the computer.

    6. A little indulgence that I have is… taking hot baths with good smelling salts after a bad day

    7. The junk drawer/area in my house is… in the basement 🙂

    …my 100th post is coming up, and it would be amazing if i had everyone comment and read it 🙂 if there’s anything you’d like for me to post, i could use all the help i can get. thanks!

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