happy happy.

Here are some things 
that are making me terribly happy….

-These pretty flowers from my hubs

Banana Bread Lara Bars
 -My hair feathers put in by Lindsey

-The fact that Bennett can say my name now…he calls me “Lo Lo” :). He can say Craig’s name too now, but he likes saying Lo Lo best.  He makes the cutest face when he says it.  Basically he’s adorable.

-Free couches found by friends

-Having the day off work today

-Using coconut oil (yes….like the kind you eat) as a face oil

-Getting to see my pretty friend Claire tomorrow!!!

-The awesome grey wool blanket Craig bought us at an Army Surplus store.  It’s legit.

-Good friends that you can do nothing with


-Marley not getting into the trash lately

-Fun weekends

The End.

What is making you terribly happy today?



  1. Happy Monday Lauren! Things making me happy today:

    I have a day off – yay!

    French toast for breakfast – yummers.

    Nothing planned – nothing – for today. Freedom!

    Hair is behaving itself.

    Skin is behaving itself.

    Hot cup of coffee and remote control all to myself. Sigh.

    Have a great week. ~Siobhan x

  2. today makes me happy because it’s not raining!!
    always a bonus.


  3. The weather is making my happy.
    Pulling out my bike yesterday and taking her for a spin made me happy.
    A good night’s sleep, being productive early, and a whole week ahead of me to conquer to-do lists is making me happy 🙂

    Happy Monday!

  4. warm Monday mornings, dog snuggling next to me on the couch, spice tea, sunshine, chocolate cupcakes :}

  5. lol. Marley not getting into the trash!! 🙂
    I LOVE your hair- how pretty!!! and those flowers are so beautiful!!!

  6. Receiving packages with sweet notes and Heart coffee from my friends in Oregon,

    Having pizza and beer for dinner,

    Going to Lawrence over the weekend, which is the most Portland-esque city in Kansas,

    and contemplating dying my hair blonde

    have all been making me terribly happy.

  7. love the flowers!

  8. I love the warm weather today! In the upper 60’s, to only be in the 30’s tomorrow! Enjoying it while it lasts!

  9. Banana bread Luna Bars!?! I want one!

  10. Well talking about happy happy I just have to share my new toy! http://moncy3.blogspot.com/2011/02/new-toy.html Happy Monday!

  11. Free couches from friends are the best! and I am loving those flowers from the hubby 😉

  12. I heart that couch! Score! One of my friends go hair feathers when she was out in Colorado a couple weeks ago. I had never seen them before! I don’t think it’s big here on the East coast… really pretty though!

    Hmm… happy today… snowflakes when I woke up this morning! Not enough to be a “problem” but just enough to cover the ugly, spring, melting snow. 🙂

  13. that couch is amazing. a little jealous

  14. I’m brand-new to your blog & I must say, it’s making me pretty darn happy at the moment! My awesome new bedroom lamps & the prospect of finally painting over the awful yellow in my bedroom is also making me very happy today! 🙂

  15. That brunch looks delish! I love coconut oil. I use it as a moisturizer when I get out of the shower

  16. Ooo I love your hair feathers! And I love that Marley not getting into the trash is a big deal 🙂
    Today I’m happy (and sore) that we started tearing our kitchens apart yesterday.

  17. these make me happy:

    bennett sleeping 12 hours without making a peep, which means getting a full nights sleep for the first time in months!!!

    finding free couches for friends.

    having two amazing boys in my life.

    getting up at 5:30 so I can go run 3 miles like its no big deal annnnd getting in a shower, sweeping, dusting, seeing the sunrise, quiet time and some blog time all before 8 (this may be the most productive I’ve ever been!)

    hanging out with amazing friends all day long and not really doing anything.

    giant orders of clothes for cheap because we have a wholesale hookup.

    planning and therefore anticipating a fun/relaxing coastal vacation.

    sun and snow in the same week. I like variety.

    helping friends decorate.

    that is all.

    See you in a few hours! 🙂

  18. I love the feathers in your hair!!! Hmmm let me see what is making me happy … that I am visiting Portland in THREE DAYSSSSSSSSS and that I get to see you!!!!! XO!

  19. what an awesome couch! and for free?! that is cool! also, lindsey is doing my hair next week! i’m so excited. oh, but i’m not getting the feathers. just come colors.

    what is making me terribly happy today? reflecting on the weekend and having ian home all day today and tomorrow!

  20. Happy for me today…is finishing the shoveling of 10.6 inches of snow from my driveway and sitting with a cup of hot chocolate reading blogs. Super happy, relaxing on a day off! 🙂 Have a fabulous week, Lauren!

  21. It’s sunny today!!
    And I just got a cool old bike!

  22. I am loving that there was no work today and that only makes me really happy.

    We had french toast too for breakfast over the weekend.

    One other thing that made me real happy was meeting my friend’s new boyfriend. I was thrilled to finally meet the guy who is responsible for putting a smile on my friend’s face.

  23. Larabars brighten 5 of the 7 days in my weeks. 🙂

  24. That’s awesome that you got a free couch! I totally use coconut oil all the time. I’ve been getting into essential oils lately and there are supposed to be some really good ones for your face, and then you use an oil like coconut or almond as your base. I’m going to try and make my own lotion and see how it works.

  25. i’m obsessed with coconut oil right now. i just used it on my hair for the first time this week. so soft! you leave it on for about an hour and then shampoo it out, you should try it if you haven’t!

  26. Freesias might just be the best flowers ever. They’re gorgeous, they smell heavenly and they come in such sweet pastel colors! Craig did good!
    I too use and love coconut oil as a skin cream, it works so well and the hint of coconut smell reminds me of the beach– so win-win!

  27. Growing up my mom’s garden was filled with a rainbow of freesias! I love them, they smell so fresh and lovely! What perfect little flowers. One day when I own a house the yard will be filled with them, I hope! 🙂

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