
I am totally a putter-er.

I often find myself wasting away entire evenings doing absolutely nothing….and tonight was one of those nights.  I didn’t actually do “nothing”….I caught up on blogs (which, by the way I am SO bad at lately! I want to reply to all your comments and read your blogs, but I get so overwhelmed!  If you have any tricks for making this less overwhelming, please teach me!), watched super bowl commercials, since I didn’t actually watch the super bowl (how unpatriotic of me) and I made three dinners.  Yes.  You read that right.  I made three dinners.  

That probably took up the majority of the night.  I work 10-hour days, so I leave for work around 7:20 a.m. and get home around 6:20 p.m.  Freaking long days.  By the time I get home, cooking is the last thing I feel like doing.  I’m always envious (and maybe a little disbelieving) of people who talk about cooking as a peaceful escape.  I can see if you don’t work, but I don’t know how people who work could possibly enjoy cooking.  Every night when we pull in the drive way I say a little prayer that the meal fairy magically chose that night to show up at our house and that when I walk in the door I’ll be greeted by a beautifully set table and a dinner of beef wellington and risotto.  I’ve actually never had beef wellington OR risotto, but this is my dream, so just go with it.  Anyway, every evening I’m left disappointed, because the meal fairy didn’t show up.  The meal fairy is kind of like the tooth fairy that way.  

Anyway….I decided I was going to make The Pioneer Woman’s Steak Bites.  So I came home and whipped them up along with garlicky asparagus and brown rice.  It smelled delicious.  When I told Craig that dinner was ready and he saw that it was steak he said “Ummmm…. you didn’t use the steak that was in the fridge did you?” (What kind of question is that?).  Apparently that steak was past it’s prime, but I didn’t notice, because I never cook steak.  I’m quite horrible at it.  It didn’t smell weird or anything, but what do I know?  Anyway, that meal wasn’t going to get eaten so I whipped up some pasta for Craig, but didn’t have enough to make any for myself too, so I ended up having an egg sandwich.  End result: three dinners.  Phew!

To reward myself for all the dinner cooking I did I had vanilla bean ice cream with left-over blueberry ginger compote from Sunday brunch and toasted coconut on top.  It was delicious.

But….I’m totally rambling right now.  The point of all this was to tell you that I didn’t come up with a blog post because I was too busy puttering.

The moral of the story: 
puttering = rambling blog posts.  
I promise tomorrow will be more interesting :).



  1. I have a tip for you which works in winter anyway seeing as summer dinners don’t freeze so well. When you DO make dinner, make a BIG one and freeze it in dinner size portions. Things like lasagne, curry and soups freeze well. I’m sure you probably already knew that but just to re-inspire you – I can imagine it would SUCK to cook after such a long day at work!!

  2. Oh no! Bummer that the steak went to waste! At least the desert was nice tho 🙂

  3. I thought steak tasted better the longer it was left to it’s business?
    They hang (or whetever they do) steaks for 21 days to mature it.
    I don’t know but I do know that my mum has eaten a steak that was grey….GREY (ick) and it apprently tasted fantastic. Hehe.

    Anyway – Puttering around is brilliant. It helpes get the clearing up done and the washing, sorting out boxes, stuff like that.
    Puttering for the win really hehe <3

    Holly And the Ivy

  4. i absolutely feel you, lady! i l-o-v-e to cook. it makes me beyond excited to put together ingredients and come up with something delicious. but? after my usual 10-12 hour day, cooking/cleaning/anything-ing just seems too much! i generally make a nosedive for comfy clothes and the couch.

    mmmm the couch!

    xo.anna marie

  5. 10-hour work days are TOUGH. I used to work 9 hour days and I was so crabby and by the time I got home all I wanted to do was…nothing! I totally agree with you.

    Come enter my giveaway!

  6. You make me smile. I can totally see craig coming into the kitchen asking you about the steak. Ha. What a goof.

    Sorry you had to make three dinners! That’s a bummer. But at least dessert was a success. Ice cream, blueberry compote and toasted coconut. How could that possibly be bad?

    Hugs, Dana

  7. Haha you’re so cute. I’m kind of a putter-er as well.

  8. That is a good quote. VERY VERY good quote. I may just steal it from you.

  9. Lauren, this post made me smile this morning! “this is my dream so just go with it”. I feel like I’m always praying for the meal fairy too.

  10. That ice cream sounds delish! I usually make a ton and freeze stuff like chili and soup so when I’m tired.. or we end up eating out some where with a coupon! haha I wish a meal fairy did exist!

  11. At least you tried! I have never made steak before. Jeremy usually does the meats. I ask him too many questions when I do it so he feels like he is cooking anyway. I’m not confident in the kitchen.

  12. I am a total putter-er as well. Mostly at the grocery store, the Mall, Costco. I swear I have shopping ADD. It drives Shawn crazy.

  13. I totally hear you on the not wanting to cook after work thing. Luckily (or unluckily) we’re without a functioning kitchen/stove right now so I get out of cooking almost every night!

  14. 3 dinners? Oh man, making just one is hard enough. I made a chowder the other night that turned out SO bad that I threw it out and started making a whole new meal. Oh man, that’s frustrating. I’m like you, I always wish that someone had come in and made dinner. Every once in a while it happens in the form of my hubby, or my in laws will invite us over. Those are good nights.

  15. I absolutely feel you on the cooking dinner NOT be relaxing nor realistic after a long work day! I just got home from my day and will be eating a bagel, sweet potato, and fruit… and anything else I can get together that does not involve “cooking” at this hour. =)

    When I’m feeling ambitious and pre-plan, the crockpot is my best friend!

  16. we make dinner ever 2 or 3 days, but make enough to last us 2-3 meals… so we have home made dinner every night but I only have to cook 3 x’s a week.

    but, wow, 3 dinner’s is crazy! no doubt about that.

  17. I’m a big putter-er, too. No one wastes time better than me. For serious. If it was an Olympic sport, I’d win gold every single time.

    Also, vanilla bean ice cream sounds amazing. I can’t believe I’ve never tried that. I need to fix that immediately.

  18. I get totally lost on blog reading. Like how I ended up here — jumped from one to another to another to here. But I don’t consider it time wasted! Doing something I like to do is never a waste of time (that’s why the house is full of dust and I no longer cook gourmet meals!).

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