creeping on closets.

If there is one thing you should know about me, 
it’s that I am an observer.
{photo by Elly Lucas via weheartit.}

I am constantly people watching, clothes watching, home watching, etc., etc….  Sometimes it annoys my family and friends when we’re out somewhere and I get totally distracted by my surroundings.  I can be having coffee with a friend and all of a sudden I’m thinking about how much I really like this couch we’re sitting on and that makes me think about a couch I saw on craigslist, which makes me wonder how many scammers there are on craigslist, which then makes me think of my husband – “Hey!  His name’s Craig!”  And at that point I’m totally not listening to the speaker anymore, but off in my own little la la land.  I’m not spacey or anything, I’m just very engaged by my surroundings.  I can remember certain events and people based on the outfit I was wearing or what they were wearing.  It’s kind of strange.  
My love for observation is probably why I love reality TV so much.  I know it’s total trash, but that doesn’t make me love it any less.  I’m just completely interested in peering into the lives of others – especially when their lives are so different from my own.  Facebook too.  Sometimes I’ll end up getting sucked into the black hole that is Facebook and emerge an hour later wondering why I’m looking at photos of my ex-best friend’s grandma’s dog’s birthday party.  Seriously – how did I just waste an hour of my life reading about crap I don’t really care about???  But, I digress…. 
All of this build up was just to introduce why I am completely, utterly and unabashedly obsessed with Closet Visit.  
Thanks to Closet Visit I can now creep on the closets and homes of fabulously stylish and creative ladies thanks to the genius and talented Artist Jeana Sohn (see her artwork here) who came up with this idea.  All of these lovely images are taken by Jeana and seem to perfectly capture each woman she features on Closet Visit.  Head over and check out more Closet Visits – be prepared to get sucked in!



  1. I am the same as you. Love observing. That must be why I love trash tv? This closet visit seems like a brilliant idea.

  2. I am the same as you. Love observing. That must be why I love trash tv? This closet visit seems like a brilliant idea.

  3. I’m SUCH a people watcher as well ha and I love creeping on closets and seeing how others organize their home 😉 weird? maybe ha. have a great Saturday dear!

  4. Purposely not visiting that site because it’s going to make me late for work lol.

  5. So weird… you just described me with the observing. My old roomie used to figure out when it happened & would snap & say, “melissa? when did i lose you?!” Haha. I wasn’t ignoring her or anything, it’s just that something she said got me thinking of something else & then something else… just like you described! And when we go to dinner, Brad always asks if i want to go sit w/ the table next to us… since i’m listening to their conversation anyway HA!

  6. YES!!! I can totally relate, I observe everything around me, to the littlest details, and definitely analyze clothes… When I meet my boy’s family I never remember their names, I just refer to them as “the one with the white pants at the xmas party”, or “the one with the shiny blue top for Easter…”… this drives him crazy since nobody but me actually remembers what these people were wearing a year ago…
    I think being an observer is a great quality.

  7. Ha, ha! That’s a sweeet website. 🙂

  8. i wish i was more observant. when i’m out in ‘the real world’ sometimes i have a hard time observing the little things, and i end up missing out on stuff! i feel like i have tunnel vision sometimes…

    thank you for posting the link to closet visit… it is so lovely. i am now obsessed!!!!

  9. Ingenious. THanks for sharing! Now I can be a creeper too 🙂

    Oh and I love reality TV for the same reason!

  10. I admit I’m a creeper too and now that you’ve introduced me to Closet Visit I can indulge even more.

  11. They are all the epitome of “cool.” My closet aspires to be just a fraction of that level of cool. Sheesh! xoxo

  12. This is awesome! I love to be a creeper! People watching is one of my fave things to do!

  13. Hi Lauren – I’m a constant observer too … I tend to try and excuse the behaviour by saying, ‘oh it’s because I’m a writer … I HAVE to observe the world around me all the time’ … I find life so inspiring, so I am completely with you on being able to lose lots of time heading off on different tangents.

    PS. I love that website! 😀

  14. haha, Gotta love Face book.. when Mr D looks over my shoulder at the laptop and says ‘Who is that person in that photo’ and I have to admit…i havent the foggiest….he just looks at me like….’well why are you looking at it then?’ dosn’t stop it happening again though..x

  15. That is a pretty fun site, thanks for sharing!

  16. I’m totally an observer also! I get lost just watching people interact and I’m totally a reality TV junkie! Maybe the two do go hand in hand!

  17. kate ( says:

    Closet visit is the best!!! i love jeana’s beautiful photos and the amazing ladies she finds. it totally gives me a fresh motivating look at fashion every week, and i am so thankful for that

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