currently obsessed.

Here are three things that I am currently 
obsessed with here on the good ‘ole interweb….

The Makers Photo Project

Photographer Jennifer Causey capturing makers working at their craft and it’s pure loveliness.  Here are a couple that I am particularly fond of.
(see more here)

{The Jeweler}

{The Florist}

{The Printer}


I am seriously in love with every single one of Blair’s ensembles and I love that she doesn’t just stick to one style – one day she’s a touch bohemian and the next she’s preppy.  A girl after my own heart.


Obviously, you all know what Pinterest is by now, but I’m kind of really supper addicted.

Oh…and also obsessing over Lisa Warninger’s episode of [Framed]!  I have a little cameo as Wardrobe Stylist – I guess I’m kind of a big deal now that I’ve made my small screen debut, right?  Haha!  Check it out here and also go check out the other featured photographers on their site.  The show really is a lot of fun.

Show: [Framed]
Photographer: Lisa Warninger
Prop Stylist: Chelsea Fuss
Wardrobe Stylist: Me 🙂
Hair + Makeup: Madeline Roosevelt
Model: Skye Velten 
Urban Weed: Parker Fitzgerald
Location: Le Train Bleu

What are you obsessing about these days?



  1. what a cool post! I love Atlantic Pacific too!

  2. Hey, that’s you!!
    Glad for that cameo!!
    You’re so cool!!
    I’m obsessed with crafts and decorating my house and gardening…

  3. i just got my pinterest invite last week, and to be honest? i’m scared to dive in since i know i’ll be super obsessed and in love! haha!

    xo.anna marie

  4. These are some cool things to be obsessed over!

  5. We share a Pinterest obsession, I’m going to have to go follow you!

  6. So great! Lisa is so talented and I’m so glad to see that she got chosen to be featured on the show. And you, my dear, were adorable. I think you belong on the big screen, just sayin.

    That was so exciting to see Lisa do her street style photography right in front of Stumptown. I’ve been there! I’ve stinkin’ drank coffee right where she was standing! Can you tell I’m freaking out a little and missing Portland big time?!

    Love you friend,

  7. hooray for being a legit stylist!

    i can’t stop pinning either! there’s so much goodness on pinterest. also, just checked out the atlantic pacific blog and am pretty smitten with her diverse style too!

  8. Fun! You’re like an official stylist now, how exciting!

  9. I am also so addicted to pinterest! I love that I can keep inspiration and all of the things that I want in one place. That’s so awesome that you got to be in that video, hopefully it will help spread the word.

  10. *must live under rock as does not know what pinterest is* I’m a bit scared to click and find out for fear of discovering yet another tinternets addiction… the interwebs is already a black hole of my time!!

    hoorah legit stylist!! 🙂 xx

  11. I love the photography project and Pinterest!

    Hair looks great LA LA!

  13. This was so cool to watch! You are famous 🙂

  14. yay for framed! you guys are famous. also, if i could rock some little red skinny pants i probably would.

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