fill in the blank friday.

Fill in the Blank Friday is here!

You guys just keep outdoing yourselves each week – 212 of you filled in the blanks last week!  If you want to join in, just fill in these blanks over at your blog and then link back here in the comments.  Let’s play!

1.   The phrase or punctuation I overuse most is       ….. I overuse ellipses for sure and probably exclamation points too. I also use the phrase “douche bag” pretty frequently, although not in blogging, just in real life. Sometimes, there’s just no better describing word for a person’s behavior other than douchey  .

2.  Today I am thankful for    Zumba, because it’s the only kind of exercise that I find even remotely enjoyable   .

3.  My best friend is    my husband, which is awesome since we’re going to be spending a lot of time together for the rest of our lives 🙂     .

4.  A quirky thing about me is     that I am scared of squirrels, I love eating ice cream for dinner and I carry motion sickness tablets in my wallet  .

5.  This weekend I     am going to have a sleep over with my friends Jamie & Ash! I’m also going back to Lucy’s Original for another burger with Becca. Yum!   .

6.  Something that worries me is        Marley dying. I can’t even think about the possibility of it without tearing up. My life would be sad without that silly dog   .

7.  On my night stand you would find       my cell phone charger, a dish filled with bobby pins and hair ties, a lamp and the book “Bittersweet“. Nothing super exciting    .

Hope your weekend is filled with loveliness!



  1. I love your answer to #3! Husbands really do make the best friends and you are lucky to be married to someone you’re excited to spend your life with!
    Oh and the word “douche bag”, epic! I giggled out loud when I read that!

    Happy Friday!

  2. i carry motion sickness tablets too! LOL.

  3. haha douchebag, I say that alot too! Yay for Zumba, I only started it this week and I think it’s going to be tons of fun!

  4. I found your blog a year ago this week. I know because I saved it to my favorites and it always goes back to that day

  5. great post hun 🙂 i would love to do fill in the blank friday! xo

    Can’t wait till this baby decides to come so I can get back to going to Zumba classes!! 🙂

  7. I can not wait to get Zumba!!!
    I love love love eating a big bowl of ice cream for dinner. It is the perfect way to end a day!!
    and I fear for my pets dying too. It is a scary feeling.
    Love you!!

  8. I love eating ice cream for dinner too, hehe.

  9. I need to try zumba. I only hear good things.

  10. squirrels are creepy! They are all twitchy and sketchy….with their beady little eyes

  11. Ok, I’m playing along this week 🙂

  12. I’m so excited about linking up for the first time this week.

    and I LOVE zumba! It’s so much fun. I’ve been doing it for years. and I also share your obsession with ellipses.

  13. Hope you don’t mind if I follow along. This looks fun!

  14. I get motion sickness very easily as well..I linked up 🙂 thanks

  15. I feel totally the same way about my dogs. The dog I grew up with had to finally be put to sleep a few years back and it absolutely killed me.

  16. Ahh wish I lived closer and I would so join you for another visit to Lucy’s. Can’t wait for our next get together you are truly such a great friend. XO!

  17. I am reading Bittersweet right now too! I love it so far.

  18. Oh, I am totally guilty of ellipses abuse . . .

  19. I say douche bag far too much too. However, I call it like I see it and occasionally one finds themselves confronted with a douche bag…

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