what i watched.

Here is a recap of my weekend
in TV and movies:


Easy A

I had a sleep over with my friend Jamie & Ashley.  We ate like fat kids (ice cream, brownies, licorice, sour patch kids, popcorn…..) and I felt SO sick.  Note to self: don’t eat like a fatty!  This movie was cute. It wasn’t what I expected (i.e. raunchy) and I was pleasantly surprised.


Had a nice night in with the hubby watching this while eating pizza – always a good combo.  A good movie, although I am a little surprised it received so many Oscar nominations, only because it doesn’t seem like a typical “Oscar-kind-of-movie” if that makes sense.  A lot of people kept saying that after watching the movie they kind of felt like deleting their Facebook accounts, but I disagree.  Yeah, Mark Zuckerberg was kinda douchey, but there are a lot of douchey businessmen.


I watched this HGTV show with my friend Becca after eating some delicious burgers courtesy of Lucy’s Original– yum!  After just one episode I was totally addicted.  Emily Henderson is the absolute cutest and her design aesthetic is effortless and chic and lived-in….not like it just came out of a design 101 book, which I love.  I had given up on HGTV for awhile, but Emily has restored my faith in design shows.  See what I mean? (Watch episodes here).

{photos via HGTV}

AND on Sunday evening…..


I’m watching this right now, so I’m off!

Hope you had a great weekend!
Did you watch any good movies/TV?



  1. Hey! I flipping ADORED Easy A! It was HILARIOUS — Emma Stone is fabulous! And Social Network was interesting, but I agree. All the Oscar hype didn’t add up, in my opinion. And I loved Salt! So many twists! I hope you liked it, too!!!

  2. Easy A was a pretty cute movie, and so witty! I was pleasantly surprised. And I REALLY enjoyed the social network.

  3. yup. saturday night i watched Once. top movie!

  4. I love that you used the word ‘douchey’. 🙂

  5. I’ve been kind of done with HG too, so I’m glad you recommended this show. I’m definitely going to check it out!

  6. i loved easy a. you’re right, it’s not what is expected, but i thought it was really cute. and it solidified {do people even use that word?} emma stone as an amazing actress in my book.

  7. I finally watched The Social Network too!

    And yeah, it did make Mark Zuckerberg look douchey.

  8. glad that you had a fun movie party!!! i personally love girl power kick butt movies, Salt was a goldie for me!

  9. sounds like MY kind of weekend. I love watching movies! wow and that room from HGTV ( i also have a love/hate with it at times ha) looks amazing! i love organization! xo

  10. I didn’t like Easy A as much as I thought I would but I did like The Social Network. Haven’t seen Salt because hubs and I aren’t Angelina Jolie fans =-p

  11. Hubs & I went on a double date with friends & watched “Hall Pass”…. The movie was funny I laughed through the whole thing but it was very raunchy! I mean I saw middle school age kids there and it was TOTALLY inappropriate for them to see but great adult movie if you need a laugh and don’t mind a lot of sexual humor! 🙂

  12. Fun weekend. Especially the fat kid eats.

    John and I watched Ira and Abby (hated it) and 500 Days of Summer (much better.)

    Have a good Monday friend!

  13. Watched “Never Let Me Go” last night with Carey Mulligan & Kiera Knightley….it was kinda weird. I wouldn’t pay to watch it!

  14. lol. On Friday we watched Ferris Buller’s Day off, and after it I was, like, I want to watch Easy A. 🙂 So we did!!!
    We also saw Take Me Home Tonight, Beastly and The Adjustment Bureau. Just a fantastic weekend for a movie marathon!!! 😀

  15. Ohh I loved Easy A. It wasn’t quite what I expected, but I ended up loving it!

    I watching The Town yesterday. Great movie in my opinion. It probably helped that I have an obsession with Boston… haha

  16. After I watched the Social Network I liked Mark Zuckerberg better for some reason. Probably because I really like Jesse Eisenberg. I have a nerdy crush on him and I think Zombieland is one of the best movies ever. Which also is why I love Emma Stone, she is…lovely and not stereotypically so because she is funny/sort of dorky.
    I am using all my will power to not watch that HGTV show because I know once I start I won’t be able to stop and finals are approaching. I appreciate the weekend review by use of movie/tv
    You’re so creative L-dawg.

  17. Oh I loved “The Social Network,” and I liked “Salt.” I was surprised at the ending.

    This weekend I went to see “Unknown” with Jed and my sister, and it was not at all what I was expecting it to be! I understand why they did the previews and trailers the way they did, but they serve a grave injustice to this movie. I didn’t want to see it originally, but I liked it a lot! I would recommend this movie.

    I also watched the pilot of “America’s Next Great Restaurant,” and I am intrigued.

  18. I saw Easy A in the theaters and loved it. She is hysterical. Yesterday, the boy and I saw the Adjustment Bureau and REALLY enjoyed it. It was more of a love story than a thriller, but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Really recommend it!

  19. Anonymous says:

    [Please pardon the interruption from your regularly scheduled commenting for this self-important soap box announcement] I get it, I do that “I love you like a fat kid loves cake” is a funny thing, but I have to take offense to the way you used “We ate like fat kids … don’t eat like a fatty!” I just think it’s really inappropriate for a naturally skinny girl, from what I’ve read of you and your 1000 calorie burger outings and hate for all exercise but Zumba, to use the term fat that way. I mean if you’re going to have a girls night and eat junk food great, do it. But if you’re worried about it do it in moderation. Seriously you didn’t eat like a fat kid with crappy metabolism you ate like an irresponsible skinny chick who’s never worried about her weight. [Soap box over.]

  20. you know emily henderson is from portland, right? she won HGTV Design Star and got her own show!

  21. I haven’t watched Salt yet. Any good? We watched a scary movie! I don’t know why I wanted to. Now, I’m back to happy movies:-) xoxo

  22. I finally watched “Date Movie” with my husband and one of our friends who came over for dinner on Sunday. I really liked Steve Carrell and Tine Fey in it, even though the plot was a bit silly. They made it funny and entertaining.

  23. I love movie-filled weekends! I finally went to see The King’s Speech this weekend. It was spectacular. Colin Firth absolutely deserved the Oscar for his role. I may have also developed a fondness for the movie because it was kind of a mini Harry Potter case reunion. Wormtail as Winston Churchill? Hilarious!

    Glad you had a good weekend!

  24. Didn’t watch any movies this week, just lots of Sex and the City episodes hehe

  25. Anonymous says:

    In an act of idiocy I freaked out more on you than I should have. I regret commenting how I did. Please feel free to call my anonymous ass a douche to your hearts content. I just well you get the idea.

  26. Anonymous:

    I appreciate your apology.

    I do understand where you were coming from with your original comment – I am sorry that you found my use of the phrase “ate like a fat kid” to be offensive. I would like to clarify, that I actually am not a naturally skinny girl who never has to workout and can eat whatever she wants. As much as I hate working out, I do it 3 times a week and I try to eat in moderation. The reason for this is because I actually was a “fat kid” for a large part of my formative years. It wasn’t until my junior year of college that I got my act together and lost 40 lbs. So, I guess when I say that I ate like a fat kid, I’m really referring to my inner fat kid who is still very much a part of who I am. Even though I may have trimmed down, I still war with my penchant for unhealthy eating, just like people who are currently overweight. I’m just saying that I can relate, but I do apologize that this was hurtful to you.

  27. Embrace the binge!

    In Tim Ferris’ new book “The 4 Hour Body” he advocates a once a week pig out if you’re maintaining a high protein, slow carb diet the other six days.

    A majority of women cannot lose weight and hit impossible plateaus without that binge to knock their system back out of ‘starvation mode’. And since you KNOW you’re going to go off your diet anyway, why not schedule it weekly?

  28. Hello fellow Lauren 🙂

    Great movies – haven’t seen Salt though, not a big Angelina fan but the other two were awesome! Sounds like a good weekend.


  29. I really liked Easy A! 🙂

  30. I kind of fell for Emma Stone when I watched “Zombieland”, but I was afraid “Easy A” was going to be raunchy like you said. Now that I know it isn’t, I’m adding it to our Netflix queue!

  31. I loved Easy A and I want to see secrets from a stylist so badly! (Stupid no cable) I LOVE Emily’s blog, she has such a great sense of humor!

  32. I’ve wanted to see Easy A for awhile and I loved the Social Network! I’m interested in what you think of Salt, I’m not an Angelina fan but I’ve been debating watching it..

  33. I have seen all three movies and I really like Easy A. Salt was pretty good too but The Social Network…not so much. I am not on facebook so maybe I don’t get it but I still can’t believe that the creator of facebook screwed his best friend over. The one thing I loved about the movie…the Winklevoss twins!

  34. Boyfriend and I watched The Social Network last week, and we thought it was great!

    Easy A was okay for me, definitely not what I expected. And I just finished watching Morning Glory this evening, super cute!

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