fill in the blank friday.

It’s time for Fill in the Blank Friday!

And….in honor of April Fool’s Day I threw in a couple of blanks for pranksters out there :).  If you want to play along, just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then link back here using the link at the end of this post.

1.   The best prank I ever pulled was       non-existent. I am a terrible prankster. Seriously – I am probably the least sneaky person you’ll ever meet  .

2.  The best prank ever pulled on me was    probably when Craig tricked me about our proposal. He also likes to play little tricks on me on a daily basis (like jumping out of closets and the like)    .

3.  A day without     quality human connection      is a day wasted.

4.  The most important things in life are     the people you love. Don’t sweat the small stuff or hold grudges – it’s just not worth it. Life’s too short!   .

5.  I dream of     one day having pretty babies – owning a home that is filled with beautiful, bright light – being a full time stylist – staying thin without ever stepping foot in the gym – having my own personal chef and laundress  .

6.  I dread       leaving my house to go to the gym – pregnancy and all the gross/weird things that come with it – wrinkles/getting old – awkward social situations and parties   .

7.  A discovery I made this week was       that ants are incredibly resilient. They decided to move in and I’ve tried a plethora of ant killing tactics, but those little buggers are insistent of hanging out on my immaculately clean kitchen counters. Not cool ants. Not cool     .

Happy weekending!



  1. If you have some problems with ants, maybe you should try this:

    It saved my life!!
    Good luck!!
    And have a happy weekend, sweetie!

  2. Glad I’m not the only one scared by pregnancy a little bit!

  3. I’m sorry about your ants! That has to suck

  4. Yay that was fun! (It was my first time linking up!)

  5. We had ants when we first moved into our house. We put out those little poison traps. It’s really gross at first because you end up with dead ants all over the place, but then they eventually stop coming back. They did for us anyway. We are now ant free.

  6. Ants are the worst! Ugh! I hate them so much! There is a chalk you can buy in the asian market that will kill them/keep them out. It’s incredibly toxic, but it works miracles!
    Thanks for always posting such awesome questions! Oh, and thanks for posting a wee bit earlier last night! I was a sleepy lady!

    Happy Friday!
    And They Lived Happily Ever After…

  7. I’m scared of pregnancy too! I heard ants hate cinnamon so you can try putting that around, or near the holes they crawl in.

  8. You make me laugh! don’t worry, pregnancy isn’t THAT bad…I haven’t had anything really gross happen yet and I’m halfway through 🙂 Oh, and ants are the worst creatures on the planet – I want to puke just thinking about them! ick.

  9. Hi, I wanted to let you know I’m having a giveaway at my blog. 5 artists are giving away their items which means 5 winners!

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