
I love penmanship.

I think it’s why I like typography.  I’ve always loved writing, doodling and simply putting pen to paper.  That’s why I decided to participate in this little handwriting game that I was tagged for by Meg of Meg’s Musings.  I usually don’t participate in these things, but I love seeing other people’s penmanship, so I thought I’d make an exception.

Here are the questions:

1. What’s your  name and blogger name?
2. What’s your blog’s URL?
3. Write, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
4. Favorite quote?
5. Favorite song?
6. Favorite band/singers?
7. Anything else you want to say?

Here are the answers:

I’m supposed to tag other bloggers to play along, but just consider this an open invite to any and all who would like to participate.  Try it.  It’s a great little time waster :). 

Enjoy your Sunday!



  1. I love seeing how other people write, there is always something there!

  2. Oh, lovely handwriting!! Actually, it is very similar to Skeleton’s Creek font! 😛
    Have a nice weekend XX

  3. Fun post! 🙂 Perfect for a Sunday.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. i like this 🙂
    handwriting is fun! Yours is so neat!
    I’ve decided to join in, so come over and see mine

  5. yes, it should be a font!

    p.s. i totally practiced my handwriting as well (still do) for fun/stress reliever.

  6. p.s.s

    love love love camera obscura (as well the rest of list). we should get them to play here in portland! spread the word! 🙂

  7. haha, cute!

  8. i love handwriting too. i read somewhere that your handwriting tells the world what kind of person you are… cool, huh?

  9. ahhhh your handwriting is so nice! mine? not so much!

  10. Great taste in music! awesome post.

  11. woah! your handwriting is super neat!!
    and yes, it could be a font!! my writing is horrible!! maybe I need to start practicing!!

    I played too.. click here to see my chicken scrawl!! 🙂


  12. I LOVE your handwriting… I’m kind of jealous actually.

  13. Your handwriting is wonderful! I’d write everything down if I wrote like that. You should head over to http://www.kevinandamanda.com/ as you can submit your own handwriting and she will create a font. This penmanship is worth making into a font.

  14. Haha. Looking at this paper TOTALLY took me back to our day camp days. Hahaha. I’m excited to see you next month!

  15. You do have great handwriting! I’ve always been jealous of people who are good a doodling. You should go to http://www.kevinandamanda.com/fonts/ and have her make a font of your handwriting!

  16. you have great handwriitng & i love the doodles! i was also going to say that you should go to http://www.kevinandamanda.com to get your handwriting made into a font!!!

  17. YOur handwriting/printing is so neat, no wonder you are a teacher!

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