kids say the darndest things.

Kid stories are my favorite,
so here’s one that I thought was too funny not to share….

The three and four year olds in my class have been interested in the human body as of late.  We’ve talked about the five senses and how our bodies have different systems – circulatory, skeletal, muscular, etc…  Obviously their favorite is the digestive system, because it all ends with poop and three year olds think that anything to do with poop or pee is just about the funniest thing on the planet (yes…I know…I never thought I’d be saying “poop and pee” on this blog either, but it totally just happened).  They’ve had a lot of fun learning the names of the bones.  They love telling me where their patellas and clavicles are and they get a kick out of talking about their gluteus maximus (give kids a scientific way to use potty talk and they’ll be yours forever).

Well, one of our art prompts we did was put out clay and invite the kids to create body parts with it.  Sounds weird, but they loved it.  Here is my favorite and the reason for this story.

This little clay man was made by a little boy we’ll call “N”.  When N was finished with his clay person he called me over and the following conversation ensued:

N:  “Teacher!  Come look at my human body!”

Me: “Wow! It looks like you worked really hard on that.  Can you tell me about it?”

N:  “Yeah!” (proceeds to tell me EVERY body part he included)

I’ll save you the dialogue, but here’s the diagram labeled as stated by N:

Yes.  You read that correctly.  That’s a penis in that diagram.  At our school we use the anatomical names for body parts, so I probably say the “p-word” at least a three times a day.  No biggie.  The boys always think it’s funny though, but little N was just stating the facts and didn’t even giggle when telling me about it.  That was the best part – he was totally dead pan.  And really….why should he think it’s funny to include a penis on his clay person?  It’s a very important body part in the mind of a four-year-old….despite the fact that it makes his 26-year-old teacher giggle :).

Later I told Craig about it and he said: “That kid is way ahead of his time.”  When I asked what he meant he said….“Well….he included all of the body parts that were most important to him: heart, penis and stomach. These are the most important parts to grown men too.”  Haha! I laughed so hard, because it’s totally true.  Oh boys!  I’m sure jet wings would make the “most important list” too if jet wings were real :).  

Aren’t kid stories the best?
Hope you have a fabulous day!



  1. Haha! Seriously, I didn’t even give a second thought to the penis (and I think it’s GREAT that you use the actual terms for all body parts) because all I could focus on were the jet wings! Too funny!

  2. I laughed so hard when I read jet wings…hmmm, love when this happens. At any age. My friend said once he’s got some button on him that he can push and then wings will appear…okay then. 😉 As long as they believe it it’s fine with me.

    Kids stories though are the best!!!


  3. I was working for a day care earlier in the year. One day we were sitting on carpet when a little boy (4 yrs old) leans over to me and whispers, “Sometimes my penis itches.” Totally deadpan and all-knowing. Later that day I told his mother… She was mortified and said that he talks about his thing ALL the time at home and in public!

  4. I loved hearing this story! At my school, it was “okay” and encouraged to use anatomical names too, so the word penis doesn’t make me giggle, however, if you’ve ever seen Scrubs, I giggle like a loon whenever Elliot has to say a word for penis or vagina because her mother taught her some pretty ridiculous words to use instead. Hahaha..

  5. the jet wings are the best part of every human body! 🙂

  6. that is a great story! i love kids at that age, anything is possible and they say and do the funniest things!!! what’s even better is that they do it so casually, like it is just the way things are.

  7. That is totally funny! I have a 4 yr old and he told me not long ago that his p*nis hurts when he sees a couple kissing on TV!! I wanted to die…

  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA! That totally just made my day!

  9. What a great story! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Lol thats so cute!!

  11. lol, that is extremely cute! Hahaha “jet wings” 😀

  12. Lol that is awesome. I love the jet wings as well!

  13. Ha ha… that is one REALLY long penis. lol.
    I teach 5th grade, so I understand the potty humor. They still think it’s hysterical at 10 🙂

  14. Hehe, hilarious. I secretly wish for jet wings, too!

  15. awww man the things I miss while the kiddos are in school! 🙁 Love the story and it’s so important they know the correct anatomical names 😉

  16. oh my gosh…I like N. I can’t wait til Bennett gets to be this age (although he better not get there too quickly). I love things little boys say 🙂 I totally would have cracked up too…geez we’re immature!

    PS: his penis goes down to his knees…awkward.

  17. Hahah that is great – you just totally made my day. I love kid stories! My mom was a teacher for 25 years, so I grew up hearing them.

  18. Your hubs forgot about the importance of jet wings to grown men…sounds like it would be something they love, right?!

  19. Oh geeze, I love that he put jet wings on his person. That is way funnier to me than penis. I love the way kids’ minds work!

  20. When I saw the first photo I was wondering what was going on with his arms. Oh, jet wings…that makes so much more sense now!

  21. i wish i had jet wings. or even a jet for that matter

  22. i work in a nursing home, and let me tell you, some of the things i hear are just as adorable and silly as little kids! it’s so good to keep things in perspective with little things like that!

    xo.anna marie

  23. Bwahahaha that is hilarious! Yep stomach, heart, and penis……most important parts to a man!

  24. Ha I love this!! Kids make me smile!!! Also, we must go out and take stranger photos when I visit, Also, send me an email with your address I have a long overdue package for you. And, when you visit I would love to take some shots of you Mrs. Fashionista!!!! XO!

  25. love this. that’s hilarious 🙂

  26. This story is hysterical!

    What ages do you teach? Are you in a daycare? I only ask because I am going to school for early childhood and it’s nice to know other people in the same field! 🙂

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