outfit post: rainy day.

 April is awful.

It’s like the bottom of the barrel as far as months go.  It’s like the butt end of the bread that always gets left until the end, because no one wants it until you only have two pieces of bread left and one is the butt end and you’ve got no other dinner options except for PB&J.  That’s what April is.  April is the butt end of the bread.  It’s rainy and ugly and cold.  It makes you think it’s spring with it’s blooming plants and tricks you into wanting to wear cute warm weather outfits but then freezes you out before you walk out the door.  Not cool April.  Not cool.  This is an outfit for April – wellies are a necessity, but the bright colors add a shot of cheer into an otherwise dreary day.

{shirt: Old Navy}
{cardigan: thrifted}
{necklace: thrifted}
{skirt: Old Navy}
{belt: H&M}
{socks: Fred Meyer}
{wellies: Hunter}

Hopefully the April weather 
is a little better where you’re at :).


  1. Was that day cold?
    It looks like you were freezing!
    Love your outfit!!
    But my favorite is your cardigan!!

  2. I am in love with this outfit! Head to toe, it is adorable.

  3. haha NOPE there was basically a tornado outside my window last night. I thought for sure my sweet gum tree was going to come into my bedroom. Cute outfit, love the skirt!


  4. Love the color combo to combat the dreary weather!

  5. a-freaking-men!

    xo.anna marie

  6. Love your outfit! I know what you mean. It’s rained almost every day in NJ. Luckily I spend most of my April in Florida every year so I miss the rain, but still. Those two weeks I do spend are TERRIBLE. I love your outfit thought!

  7. This has to be one of my favorites!

  8. I really hate trying to dress myself in the spring. You never know what the weather will be like, and I normally get it wrong. You’ve seemed to master it though! I love your socks peeking out of your wellies!

  9. Smart girl with the rain boots!!

  10. Last April was a treat. This April has turned me into a whiny little whiner. Yup, two times the whine. Happily your outfit is the bright spot on a crappy day!

  11. Lauren, so cute! You’re such a cutie! Sorry you’re down with the April blues…why don’t you come visit Kansas!?

  12. Agreed! I used to live in southern Utah and April was the BEST month ever. Such gorgeous weather. Now I’m experiencing how miserable this month is. Lame.
    Your outfit is NOT lame. Sooo cute!

  13. Well you made the best of it anyway. Just be happy you don’t have snow like we do!

  14. i love your outfit!! i agree with you on your thoughts about april.. currently we have freezing rain… so gross!

  15. I agree. April is most definitely a dreary month. I do love that you brightened it up with orange and mustard, though.

  16. amen lady!

    you look rockin though in your sweet wellies!

  17. Completely agree. I am a PNW-er too and this weather is ridiculous. Never thought of it as the butt end of the bread but you are sooooo right.



  18. I love the socks peeping out from the rainboots!

  19. I l.o.v.e your skirt! Too cute!

  20. i seriously love that cardigan with the striped shirt!

  21. umm this is my most favorite outfit of yours ever! Take that April! I can’t believe that skirt is from ON…do they still have it?!

  22. Even if April is awful your boots definitely make the whole month look a bit cuter! I’ve never paired my boots with a skirt before and now I’m totally inspired! Too bad it doesn’t look like I’m going to see much rain in Arizona for a while… =)

    <3 MuffinLovesBiscuit

  23. I agree with you about the month of April. I, for one, cannot wait for it to be over. But at least you look cute. Your hair is so long!! And I love your necklace 🙂 It’s almost May. So close.

  24. oh oh i love everything about this outfit. I wore boots with my socks peeking up yesterday – totally confused my husband. Are you suuure you want your socks showing? 🙂 too cute. great outfit!

  25. I kind of love the rain, but I’m also kind of ready for the sunshine. Like really ready.

  26. So jealous of your hunter wellies! I want a pair in bright yellow.

  27. Oh April in Oregon. Gets us every time:-) Your outfit is perfect for life in this city though! xoxo

  28. The color combo is superb and the photo of you in the puddle is simply adorable! Love it!

  29. I love the color combo and the nautical look is definitely appropriate for rainy April! 🙂

  30. Such a cute outfit! I’ve been on the hunt for a fun, bright cardigan. I agree about the April weather. Michigan is SUCH a mess & the weather is becoming very depressing.
    I have to say though, I sometimes like the butt end of the bread. 😉
    But I also love the crust. Hahaha
    <3 leigh

  31. I feel your pain, but at least you look adorable. Love this outfit!

  32. 🙂 I want to have a man date with my best friend now, too!

  33. I can’t believe you are bare-legged! I still have to wear tights under every skirt! but you look supa cute!

  34. Unfortunately, the weather is the same here as well. *sigh* <3 the necklace btw!

    Jackie @ http://tofindtheline.blogspot.com/

  35. i really like how you paired your Hunter boots Lauren!

  36. that is the cutest outfit! I want me some Hunter wellies!

    We’ve had an unnaturally hot april here, and it’s so lovely! We’re bbq-ing tomorrow! So much for April showers! Huzzah for the UK! x

  37. i love this look! april in oregon is awful. i definitely agree with you.

  38. I love April. I love the end of bread … I just eat a lot of cheese with it. And. I love this outfit of yours. When you visit in July we are going shopping, eating, adventuring and drinking tons of coffee. LOVE YOU lady! xo

  39. Wait! I want to defend the butt end of the bread! I like crust, so that’s my favorite part. That being said, APRIL IS AWFUL.

  40. It may be rainy, but I kinda love it since I get to rock my Hunters! They make any outfit instantly cute. Including yours! 🙂

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