what i learned this weekend.

Here are some things 
I learned this weekend….

All the cool kids wear green jackets.
(completely unintentional matchy-matchiness by basically everyone at our friend’s Chris & Stephen‘s birthday dinner celebration.)

Lucy’s Original really does make the best burger ever.
(I seriously dream about these!)

I am high maintenance when ordering ice cream.
(Can I help it that I was craving a 1/2 scoop of banana cream pie, a 1/2 scoop of rocky road with a little bit of hazelnut chocolate sauce in a custom made waffle bowl?)
{photo via Ruby Jewel}

Portland has some terribly stylish gentlemen.
(Stylish men were out in full force while scouting for Urban Weeds street style this weekend. Bravo gents!)

I am in desperate need of these Rachel Comey’s that I spotted at Frances May.

Chicken Parmesan Burgers are both easy and delicious to make.
(recipe here)

Eating waffles with friends is a great way to spend a Sunday morning.

Chris likes straight espresso shots.

Becca doesn’t.

I need a baby chick.
(….but Craig says no, because he thinks Marley would eat it. Boo! That still didn’t stop me from stopping in at the urban farm store to visit them anyway.)

….or maybe a goat.

I will probably never look forward to Mondays.
(Apparently I have a case of the Mondays. Every week.)
{photo via observando}

Oh well….the weekend was fun while it lasted.



  1. Ha I love that last one pic. Mondays do suck.
    Looks like you had a great weekend, hope you’re week is good as well.
    Love your blog!
    Just a Silhouette

  2. I’m not a monday person either – but I”m working on it 🙂
    lovely post by the way 🙂

    may your monday be the happiest it can be 🙂

    Betty Bake

  3. That is HILARIOUS that you posted that about the icecream! Because, coincidentally, on Saturday night I went on a Blizzard run for myself and my coworkers. None of us could decide on flavors {all so yum} so we each got 2 mini blizzards so we could each have two flavors! Haha. Great minds think alike 🙂

  4. Wow it looks like a really nice weekend. I’m especially into the burgers you got to enjoy. (chicken and regular)

  5. Wow it looks like a really nice weekend. I’m especially into the burgers you got to enjoy. (chicken and regular)

  6. Ahh the baby chicks are adorable!! I hope your Monday goes better than you anticipate 🙂

  7. Ice cream and burgers? My kind of weekend. It looks like it was a good one.

  8. Becca’s hair looks just like mine!!!!!! Way awesome. 😀

  9. mmmmm I just printer off that burger recipe!

  10. *printed!

  11. haha girl i LOVE this post- the shoes are great, ice cream is always a must and waffles on a sunday def makes for a better end to a weekend! have a wonderful monday! xo

  12. I want a baby chick and a goat too! But my husband says no. Partypooper.

  13. ha ha, i’m really specific about my ice cream, too. and i’ve wanted baby chicks before…more than once… and my friend has some. it’s so cute, because they bury themselves into your hands if you hold them out to them!

  14. kate @ 2142stuart says:

    haha! i have totally been obsessing about finding the perfect green jacket!! so funny

  15. lol. I love the green jacket group!! 🙂
    Those shoes are SUPER hot and now I kinda want a baby chick!! and That Monday art work? SO true!!
    Have a wonderful week friend!!

  16. Must you show us all those amazing good pictures? You’re making me HUNGRY!

  17. holy moley that is one mountain of a burger!

    haha – that is exactly how i feel about mondays.

  18. holy moley that is one mountain of a burger!

    haha – that is exactly how i feel about mondays.

  19. I want to make a trip to Portland just to have one of those yummy burgers!
    And I LOVE those shoes!

  20. Weekends always go by so fast! I wish Ian and I had normal weekends–I actually can’t remember one that wasn’t when we were on vacation… The only bummer is that’s when all of our friends are free, but we are not! Hahaha! Oh well! At least we see them at church!

  21. aww, sounds like such a sweet weekend! i wish i had a waffle maker 🙂

  22. Haha, I love that photo of Becca. She looks totally grossed out! Also, do you mind if I reblog the green jacket photo? I can’t get over how weird that was.

  23. You and your burgers! That one looks divine and now I’m totally salivating! The quote about Monday is perfect! Mondays really are an awful terrible day… Happy Monday by the way! Haha!


  24. Super cute post.

  25. Sounds like a great weekend!! I’m craving a yummy burger now!!

  26. I have a real bad case of the mondays today! Ugh. I’m so excited, my sister bought chicks this weekend. My in-laws used to have them so my husband knows all about chickens, and they talked forever about them. I totally want chickens whenever we get a house.

  27. Mmm ice cream! Also those chicken parm sandwiches look delicious! I need to make that!

    As for Monday’s, they really are a drag!

  28. I love your friend Becca’s face in that picture — I’m just like her. I need a little sweetness to counteract the bitter.

  29. Such a lovely post! I actually had an alright monday for once!

  30. The waffles look delic!!! And I love the last picture! 🙂

  31. I feel honored that the first time we both had Lucy’s Original was when I was visiting Portland!!! AND, this post has me dreaming about visiting. MMM RUBY JEWEL!!!!! Sending you hugs my sweet friend!!!!! XOXOXO! Oh and guess what … I found a restaurant that has a juicy lucy burger in my area .. have yet to try it and I know it won’t be the same as Lucy’s Original but a girl can dream right?!! 🙂

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