fill in the blank friday.

Thank goodness it’s Friday.  

I think I say that every week, but seriously….this week has been long and my Thursday was hellish.  Let me just say that a classroom full of three-and-four-year-olds (12 boys and 3 girls – yes….you read that right….12 boys) is enough to challenge even the patience of a Buddhist monk and they definitely put me through the ringer this week.  BUT….on the bright side, I’ll be attending The Portland Mercury’s Open Season fashion show tonight!  Project Runway alumns Leanne Marshall, Seth Aaron and Gretchen Jones will all be showing as well.  I’m so excited.  The Mercury’s fashion show last year was my first fashion show (read my post about it here) and I’m excited to be attending again.  OK….I’m babbling.  On with the blanks.  If you decide to play along, just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then link back here using the link at the end of this post.

1.   What I love most about my home is       “who I share it with” – Tad Carpenter. Totally stealing his quote because it’s perfectly true. I also love my couch. A lot. I even blogged about it once   .

2.  I’m excited because,    I’m going to the aforementioned fashion show tonight. And also because I discovered Tabata intervals this week and I’m kind of in love with them….which is saying a lot since I don’t really love the gym  .

3.  My preferred method for blowing  off steam when I’m frustrated is     to have a good cry or go to the gym. Usually crying wins out, because like I said..I don’t really love the gym. But I always get the best workouts in when I’m pissed, so I should probably choose that option more often   .

4.  Currently I am craving   popcorn with dark chocolate chips tossed in. I’ve never had it before, but I love salty and sweet together, and it sounds SO good!  .

5.  The thing I love most about my mom is     that she is the most selfless person I know. She’s the kind of person who would drop everything she was doing or come over in the middle of the night if you needed her. She’s the most relational person I know. She treats everyone with love and kindness – even the people I kind of want to punch in the face. She’s just great like that  .

6.  If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be       “A Work in Progess” mostly because I think it’s kind of catchy, but also, because I think it’s really true   .

7.  If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be       bread and cheese in some sort of combination. I think maybe bruschetta or just a loaf of french bread with cheddar cheese. I can’t say my digestive system would be super happy about it, but that would be my choice nonetheless  . 

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!



  1. I’m excited because I graduate from law school in 8 days 🙂 No more school…done done done, ha! Happy Friday!

  2. Popcorn and chocolate chips does sound yummy. Have a great weekend!

  3. Bread and cheese is an excellent choice! I LOVE buying a few different cheeses at the grocery store, letting them warm up and then devouring them! I often get so carried away with the bread and cheese “appetizer” that it ends up being my supper! Oh well, it’s delicious and mostly nutritious, right?! Haha!

    Oh, and the way you speak about your mom is so lovely! She sounds like a beautiful person, especially if she treats the people you’d like to punch in the face with kindness. That takes some skill!

    <3 MrsBiscuit

  4. Hi! had fun with this post! i’m your newest follower!
    Dilly Dally

  5. That was really sweet of you to speak about your Mum so kindly. Its an appropriate prompt considering Mothers Day is so soon! Oh and thanks for the last prompt! Bread and cheese is certainly an odd food to choose for the rest of your life, but I guess we all know what we want. I’ve started enjoying my Friday evenings (before work) because of this little game you have created. Thanks again x

  6. Aw, I love Tad Carpenter’s work & that quote is very cute!

  7. Thank you for such a wonderful feature. I love Fill in the blank Friday and look forward to it every week!!! It’s funny how I don’t expect what I answer…..a little learning tool hey.

  8. Hi! This was a fun Fill-In Friday! I’m a new follower!!! 🙂

  9. Hi! I had fun with this Fill-In-Friday! I’m a newbie follower!!! 🙂

  10. I totally agree with your bread & cheese comment. I’m 100% on board with that.

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