if i were a mama.

The fact that this weekend was Mother’s Day got me thinking about the kinds of things I’d want to get for my little one if I were a mama.  So, here’s a little list….

If I were a mama….

{via etsy, although the item is gone now, so I can’t link it 🙁
 but I bet this would be an easy DIY}

{via zara}

{via diapers}

{via ohdeedoh}

Why are baby things so cute??

Happy Monday!



  1. the little boy’s toy box is just adorable! It would be a perfect DIY, especially if you ended up with a baby girl. This post would make anyone incredibly clucky x

  2. What a cute post! The cute coat is adorable!

  3. Yeah, why are they so cute??!!
    Love all the pictures!!
    But my favorite is the first one!
    I think it would be an easy DIY project!

  4. Haha yeeeeeah, I totally think about that kind of stuff too. So much cuteness! I can’t wait. 🙂

  5. baby things are the cutest. I sometimes wish I had a niece or nephew to buy cute things for. I love that little record player. I think I had one as a child.

  6. That little Zara outfit is the cutest. Such sweet finds!

  7. CUTE stuff! We have a million little trains, I would love that display box. And that onesie? Adorable.

  8. Love that kitchen set!

    Too bad it’s only boys in my household!

  9. the little shoes are unbelievably cute especially!

  10. CUTE! Lauren you are a bad influence 😉

  11. Oh my gosh. The baby Zara outfit. I’m dying! Loveeee! We’re in Chicago hanging out with our two month old niece and it’s taking everything in me to convince myself I don’t want a little one of my own!!!

  12. ahh such cute stuff! I can’t wait til you’re a mama! We have casters for bennett’s toybox crate but don’t have the tools to put them on…maybe we can bring it when we build B’s table! When should we do that? What are you doing next weekend?

  13. Shoot–was gonna say I love that toy chest, but then I kept scrolling and well, I seriously love all these things! Hmm, I guess this means you should have a baby?? 🙂

  14. Baby stuff is so adorable! The little shoes and accessories get me good. xoxo

  15. Ugh, baby stuff. I want like all of those things.

    Oooh, this post reminds me. I have something to tell you.



  16. I had that Fisher-Price record player when I was young! So cool to see you can still get it.

  17. i was asking the same exact question! 🙂 i think it’s the cos they are so tiny! 🙂 how can we not love such tiny things… <3

    p.s. i love your blog too :)xx

  18. ok, I’m just going to repeat what bueno bueno said last week – just have a baby already! he or she would be the most stylin’ little nugget around!

  19. Baby stuff is so cute! It’s killing me not knowing what the sex of this little one is…I just want to buy every cute thing I see. It’s probably better that I don’t know yet 🙂

  20. Awww, lovely post – these are all so cute!

    Claire Marie x

  21. i love all the shoes. aaron and i went to the vans outlet the other day, and i thought, “i can’t wait to have a little one to buy some tiny vans.”

  22. And, baby things just keep getting cuter and cuter and I just keep being a sucker for them and the Grans. Cute things and babies just go together. :o) Happy week!

  23. And, baby things just keep getting cuter and cuter and I just keep being a sucker for them and the Grans. Cute things and babies just go together. :o) Happy week!

  24. I totally forgot about Salt Water sandals. My mom used to buy me a new pair every year. I should totally do that to my little girl sometime in the distant future.

  25. If I were a mama, I would want that record player, salt water sandals and the chevron sleeper too! Cute post! Looks and sounds like you have babies on your mind, lol!

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