fill in the blank friday.

It’s Friday.
And apparently I suck at blogging daily these days.  Ooops.  I think I got a little too into vacation mode last weekend and then just continued the relaxation into the week, which = not so many new blog posts.  BUT….at least you can depend on me for Fill in the Blank Fridays :).  If you want to play along just fill in the blanks over at your blog and then link back here at the end of this post.  OK.  That’s it.  Time for blanks.
1.   The last movie I saw was       Scott Pilgrim VS. The World – actually watching it now. It’s kinda weird, but you can’t not like Michael Cera   .

2.  I want to    eat garlic bread  .

3.  Surprises are     fun if you don’t expect them, but if you know they’re coming, they’re terrible, because it’s just a waiting game and I’m a generally impatient person – a bad combo  .

4.  The best accessory is   one’s hair or a really great pair of earrings .

5.  My favorite warm drink is     a vanilla latte, which must be paired with a biscotti…especially the ones they have at Stumptown. I’m kind of obsessed  .

6.  My favorite cold drink is       ginger ale   .

7.  Currently loving       friendship bracelets and the Flight of the Conchords song Hiphopopotamus V.S. Rhymenoceros. I know it’s not new, but I have a renewed love for it after watching season 1 of their show this last weekend   . 

Happy weekend!



  1. It’s definitely time for me to go to sleep, but now I’m totally craving a vanilla late and a biscotti. That sounds perfectly DELICIOUS!

  2. I feel the same way about surprises!! And about vanilla lattes!! The baristas from Starbucks already know what I’m gonna order!!

    Have a nice weekend!! xo, Ana
    My (Newly)Wed Life

  3. lauren, you always help me remember what day it is already :))

  4. Wow….I totally agree with you on every one of them!!!! Especially the Flight of the Concords song!!! So good!

  5. Excited about joining you for my first fill the blank Friday!

  6. I love ginger ale and you just made me crave a vanilla latte … when you visit I will teach you how to make your own biscottis dipped in dark chocolate. XOXO! Have a great weekend Lauren.

  7. I had to keep your accessory answer! You are so right on that one!

  8. I just found you and your link party. Thank you for hosting. Seriously I’m making garlic bread tomorrow..!! 🙂

  9. I also want to eat garlic bread! and its only 10:46 in the morning! 🙂

  10. Great list :).

    Have you tried the Green Tea Ginger ale? It’s so delicious!

    Happy Friday 🙂

  11. I am the same way about surprises! My husband doesn’t get it.

  12. Thanks for doing this every week! I just love reading the answers of different bloggers! And I agree on the great pair of earrings!!

  13. Mine are up! Happy happy Friday everybody!

  14. Love your answers. Ginger ale is high on my list of favorite cold beverages.

    I just saw something about friendship bracelets the other day. I might need to make a few new.

    Thanks for another fun post!

  15. I’ve always wanted to see Flight of the Conchords but have yet to.

  16. So excited to be linking up for the first time!!! Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend:)

  17. This is such a cool idea! I’m following you now! I would love for you to check out some of my mommy adventures!


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