outfit post: tooting my own horn.

So I’m totally going to toot my own horn today and I apologize in advance….
But I was on Elle.com the other day!!
{photo by Lisa Warninger}
Good thing I was looking cute when I went out scouting for street style with Lisa.  It was pretty funny, because Craig is rarely impressed with my internet brushes with fame, but even he thought this was cool and posted a link to his facebook :).  You can check out more Portland street style on Elle courtesy of Lisa Warninger by heading over to the Global Street Style section of Elle (here).
Thanks for making me look pretty Lisa!


P.S. The clutch in this photo is my current accessory obsession – made by my talented sponsor Blair Ritchey.  She makes the most stunning bags and clutches and this roomy clutch has quickly replaced my ginormous handbags, which is definitely saying something if you know me at all.  Go check out her pretty wares – it’s seriously fantastic! 


  1. That is too cool!

  2. That is the coolest! You look beautiful!

  3. OMG that is actually awesome! I love reading street styles! I’m going to go check it out right now.

    P.S new blog design? I love it!

  4. Lauren that is so cool, kudos!

  5. Congratulations! What a huge compliment to you. I love your blog so much and I love that you stay true to yourself.

  6. You look absolutely gorgeous in this photo, friend! Gorgeous! You’re just so cool and stylish. I’m glad you’re my friend, not just for those reasons. But I do think I’m automatically 5% cooler just by knowing you.

    So, thanks.

  7. Yay congrats!!! You look so purdy in your pic.

  8. Woot woot!! Congrats girl! I love your outfit, you are so stylish! Have a fantastic week! xo

  9. you are soooo cool!

  10. That is very cool (and worth tooting your own horn about). =)


  11. Well, congrats on being featured! If I were your husband (does that sound weird? 🙂 ) I would be proud of you too. I love your style!

  12. So awesome, Lauren!!! Your outfit is the cutest and you look amazing!

  13. So cool!! 🙂 :)and you do look lovely 🙂

  14. super exciting! Congrats 🙂 and your outfit is adorable!

  15. That’s really fun. I just ran through it and saw Becca in there, too! Also, the owner of Lucy’s Original is totally adorable.

  16. how fun!! congrats! love the outfit.

  17. Aw, congrats girl! You look stunning and so put-together! Love the pic.

  18. that is SO cool lauren!! i would be tooting my horn if i were featured on Elle! you look fantastic by the way.

  19. You are LOVELY!!! SO exciting Lauren!!! XO.

  20. That is SO cool that you were on Elle.com So cool!

  21. the new make over is lovely! and so is this photo~
    So cool!
    Miss nyou miss you!

  22. How fun! Congratulations. And what a great picture of you.

  23. you’re famous!!!! hehe love it! we still need to go out and take some pics! Especially now that the weather is getting better 🙂

  24. How exciting! You are adorable!


  25. You look stunning! I’m so glad we photographed you! Thanks for all your help with gather the rest of the Elle.com crew. You were invaluable.

    big hug!

  26. You look fabulous! I am a little late but for some reason, I can’t view the link to Elle.

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