
This weekend I was unplugged
from technology and it was lovely.
I’ll blog about my weekend at the beach tomorrow, but for now I’ll leave you with this completely appropriate photo of what the Oregon Coast is like in June (and also pretty much always)….
Yep. ย Rain boots and jeans on the beach
Oh Oregon!



  1. Sounds like a great weekend, can’t wait to see the pictures ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Wow I can’t imagine the beach being like that in June!

  3. same here, was wearing my rain boots most of the weekend ๐Ÿ™

  4. Can’t wait to hear how it went!

  5. I am craving Cannon Beach and I love your boots. Too cute!

  6. I have only been to the Oregon Coast once while it was hot, sunny, and wind free, and I have been to the coast a lot. It’s still generally really beautiful and relaxing though ๐Ÿ™‚

    We have a really similar Mexico blanket. Jeremy calls it “azul.” He has names for a lot on inanimate objects.

  7. That’s why I always tell people I’m going to the “coast” – I don’t think my friends can quite picture the whipping winds if I call it the “beach”

  8. i love when i am unplugged from technology… it’s the only way i can truly relax and unwind. cannon beach is my favorite beach on the oregon coast. lucky girl.

  9. Silly Oregon! At least we get to justify buying cute rainboots!


  10. woohoo! almost every pic I have of my kiddos at the beach shows them in jackets and jeans. ๐Ÿ™‚ they love venturing out into the freezing water and then screeching about how cold it is. we love Oregon!

  11. Ha!

    I just posted a similar photo over on my blog: http://www.livingportlandblog.com/2011/06/few-snaps.html

    Oregon beach lounging = wearing double hoodies and clutching hot coffee.

    Have a lovely week!


  12. I love going unplugged for a bit!!! And, swoon I miss OREGON!!! You visit in a month!!! YAY YAY YAY!

  13. I’ve never been to the Oregon coastline, but from all the photos I’ve seen it’s gorgeous!

  14. i think i need to have a weekend where i am totally unplugged. it sounds nice. especially on the beach- rain or no.

  15. Cute pic….but I think I prefer my beach where I can wear a bikini and get a tan! Haha!

  16. Well that is one way to go to the beach. Haha! Do you live in Oregon? One of my grad school friends moved there about a year ago now and I can’t wait to visit her b/c I’ve never been and she tells me it is beautiful!!

  17. lovely photo. Unplugging can be so refreshing. I need to do it more. There is something romantic about rain boots on a beach.

  18. haha, this totally sounds right! We always go in late July when it’s warmed up a bit, and right before it gets cold again…but even then it’s always raining.

  19. i unplugged from facebook. and so far it has been pretty normal day.

    i mean, by normal im still sane. lol

    and by not normal because my normal day would mean facebooking all day :))

    i cant say i can unplug from technology yet cause im alone and this is my only means of socializing… but when i was with my friends for a week in travel.. indeed unplugging from the internet was damn fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

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