a fun-filled weekend.

We had a busy fun-filled road trip weekend.
Visited great friends.
Ate far too much delicious food.
And it was lovely.

Rainier cherries – perfect road trip food.

Pit stop @ In N Out. We don’t have one in Oregon.
Craig thought it was just OK.

We stayed with our wonderful friends Caroline and Marc and Caroline introduced me to the wonderful world of juicing.  This was her orange carrot juice.  A great way to start the morning.
We had delicious coffee/non-coffee drinks at Barefoot Coffee.
Then we ate super delicious fried chicken sandwiches and lemonade ices at Bake Sale Betty’s.  So good.  I want to try to recreate the delicious slaw at home – amazingly yummy, but probably terrible for my cholesterol.

Craig always manages to make a creepy face when food photos happen.

Next up ice cream at Ici.

I love this lady.  She’s my hands-down most favorite person to eat with :).

BBQ’d dinner at the park.
And the answer to your question is YES.
We did spend the entire day eating.  And it was awesome.

Yay!  Non-creepy food photo!

The next day we went off-roading with all the G-Wagen guys.
Craig log-crawling.

This little boy went off-roading with his dad and he was the cutest.
He told some pretty awesome jokes too :).

Here he is driving remote controlled G-Wagen’s.
I officially want a gaggle of little boys.  They’re so fun.

Later we went to Capitola Beach in Santa Cruz.
I was so smitten with the fact that I was at the beach and there was actually sun out that I went a little crazy with the photo-taking.
We ended up leaving early on Sunday morning and ended up having a minor fiasco where we broke down for about two hours.  Long story short, my husband is a genius and fixed it and we made it home safe and sound.  It did make me realize how thankful I am to have a capable husband who can take care of me in stressful situations.  He’s the best.
‘Twas a lovely weekend!
Thanks Marc & Caroline for hosting us – you guys are great!



  1. oOoOooo!
    In n Out! That’s definitely some good food for sure :]

    -robots in trouble

  2. what a “tasty” weekend!!! Seems like lots of fun! I really like the idea of juice of a jar 🙂

  3. Oh, I love the pictures of the boats and the beach!
    Juicing is fantastic! I got a juicer last Christmas, and I love exploring the different combinations I can create.

  4. Loved your pics! Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

  5. You are making me SO hungry right now!

  6. Food. the food. that is all:-) xoxo

  7. FUN weekend. I’m glad you got to see the sunny beach!!

  8. I totally agree with Craig on In N Out. The food tastes pretty average to me. I never understood what the big fuss was about. The food you ate with Caroline looks 100 times better!

  9. There’s no better way to spend a vacation than with friends and good food. In that order.

    Your last beach photo is really great – I love the pop of color in the umbrella. Doesn’t look much like our Oregon beaches, does it? : )


  10. Everything looks delicious! Hope you had a fabulous time 🙂 xoxo lamb loves

  11. Awwwww 🙂 this post made me smile!! Can’t wait till our next adventure. And, Marc was making a creepy face also in his food photo hahaha. Men! Love you lady! xo.

  12. Those Rainier cherries look amazing and you are one glowing mama. I love the way you tell your weekend stories as if you are having coffee with the reader 🙂 happy wednesday!

  13. HI there!!! I’m julia, and I randomly stumbled on your blog. I’m also a pregnant Portlander!!

    Feel free to come by and visit, http://www.3bed2bath1baby.blogspot.com!

  14. Ah, I want to try IN N OUT burger… I never got around to it in Vegas last week, boo 🙁

  15. Seems like a perfect weekend – friends, food, beach, sun… Ah I want to go on a road trip too… At the moment I have to work weekends, that’s so lame.

  16. Awwww, Bakesale Betty’s is just around the corner from my house! And they have a fried tofu sandwich now too, so I can finally appreciate the wonder. 🙂 Looks like Caroline showed you a good time . . . no surprise there, of course!

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