fill in the blank friday.

I’m always excited for the arrival of Friday,

 but it gets even more exciting once summer rolls around (and when it actually shows its elusive, sunny face here in Portland).  Summertime means and abundance of lazy weekends spent eating fresh fruit in the sun.  Hey!  I think that might be one of my blanks for this week….maybe summer will just be the entire theme.  Yep.  It’s official.  Today’s blanks are all about summer!  (Don’t you just love stream of consciousness posts? Haha!).  Let’s play!

{the delicious sweet biscuits @ Tasty n Sons}

1.   My plans this summer include       Visiting the lovely Miss Caroline next week, going to a couple of G-Wagen events, and basically just eating and enjoying the sunshine and our last summer as a couple sans children  .

2.  The best summer I ever had was    probably our first summer being married. We had a lot of fun adventures. But, basically anytime it’s summer is good in my book 🙂  .

3.  Summer is     popsicles, fireworks, bare feet, breezy dresses, fresh fruit, dining al fresco and late nights spent with the ones you love  .

4.  My favorite summer food is   a burger right off the grill…or a popsicle…oh! Or maybe strawberry shortcake. Yes. I’m gonna go with strawberry shortcake – the quintessential summer food .

5.  The best way to quench a summer thirst is with     a mojito. It’s pretty much the most delicious thing ever. Sadly, I won’t be drinking any this summer. But I also make this really delicious blackberry mint lemonade that will be just as good…well, almost as good 🙂  .

6.  My summer uniform consists of       dresses and skirts. I kind of hate shorts. Not in general. Just on me.   .

7.  The best thing about summer is       that it gives people a renewed sense of youth. Something about summer can always take you back to the carefree moments of childhood – late nights playing tag, running in the sprinklers.  I love it!  . 

Hope your summer is off to a great start! 


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Thanks guys!


  1. Yum, strawberry shortcake sounds SO delish right now! 🙂

  2. Sweet BISCUITS! That totally made my week!!

  3. I’m wishing I had one of the coconut popsicles that I turned down a week ago. Mmm Popsicles totally mean summer for me! Oh and I want to try this lemonade you make…we will have a buttload of mint in just over a week if you need any! 🙂

  4. I love summer now! I’m from Brazil, so it’s ALWAYS hot there. But living in the Bay Area, where it rains pretty much every day of the winter, I’ve learned to appreciate warm weather so much more!

    xo, Ana
    Check out my giveaway!

  5. this was so fun to read! made me hungry, thirsty, and want to run through a sprinkler in a dress! i’m like you, i don’t like shorts on me.


  6. YAY for summer!!
    best time of the year!

  7. aw, you make me want strawberry shortcake right now!

  8. Mmm burgers and mojitos, yes please!

  9. oooh…so do you have a recipe for this blackberry mint lemonade you’re willing to share!? that would make me VERY happy. 🙂

    and i feel ya on the shorts, sister. i love them on other people and hate them on me. weird, right?

  10. I can’t seem to get my link up with the linky! I am not taking this personally, hee hee, so here it is…

    I tried twice and it did not appear, so never one to quit I will try comments. Now if this thing does not show up I know the Google gods are mad at me. *laughing* 😉

  11. Can you share the recipe for your blackberry mint lemonade please????

  12. I can’t wear shorts either. They look so cute on some people, but I haven’t found a pair of shorts in years that don’t just look horrible on me.

  13. So true about summer bringing you back to your youth. Late nights playing tag and staying in the pool till your whole body was a prune were the best 🙂

  14. Can’t wait for your visit!!!! Thinking about a yummy dinner for us on Friday!!! 🙂 I am feeling a recreation of a juicy lucy what do you say??? 🙂

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