i’m super tired.

Today I am super tired.
{feeling a little like Marley today}
Where’s that magical second trimester spurt of energy I’ve been hearing so much about?  Maybe it skipped me.  OR…maybe I’ve been running myself ragged.  Probably the latter.

So…today I am taking a rest.
Maybe tomorrow too.
I’ll be back later this week.
Thanks for being patient with my sleepy pregnant self for now :).


  1. enjoy it!

  2. Rest up, pretty momma-to-be. Nothing wrong with giving your body exactly what it needs :-}

  3. It’s definitely the little things…if you have to sleep you should sleep:-) just found your blog….too cute!

  4. I totally feel ya, I’m tired too.

  5. Get some rest fancy pants 🙂 I agree with Joyful Sparrow. If your body is telling you sleep, that’s exactly what you should be doing!

  6. Hope you get some sweet sleep & rest today!! See you on Friday!! 🙂

  7. OOOOh want to trade? I could use a few days of rest.

  8. It probably wasn’t until week 14 or 15 that I felt totally back to normal sleep-wise. I hope it comes back soon!

  9. Enjoy your rest — you and baby both deserve it! <3

  10. Not to freak you out but I felt worse during the 2nd… hope you feel better soon!


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