sick and tired.

Remember how I said I was tired
and was taking a break from blogging for a couple of days?
Well, now on top of being tired I am also sick.
Apparently my body was trying to tell me something.  
Unfortunately I listened a little too late and now I have the sorest throat of my life.  Thanks sick preschoolers for making me take my first sick day of the year….in July.  Seriously…who gets sick in July?  Anyway…if nothing else, I’ll be back with blanks on Friday – promise!


  1. Sadness! If it makes you feel any better, I was a preschool teacher for three years and the only time I was ever out sick was when I got the flu…every July! Like clock work…so weird! Feel better soon 🙂

  2. I was sick yesterday!
    So you’re not alone! 🙂
    Rest lots and feel better soon!

  3. Feel better, drink tea with lemon, hot compresses and take meds strictly!:) & lots of rest!

  4. Hope you start feeling better soon. Sore Throats are the worst! Get Well!!

  5. feel better & rest up!

  6. Aw sad, feel better soon!

  7. Feel better and get lots of rest!

  8. Feel better mama 🙂

  9. I got sick about a month ago. Somehow it feels so much more miserable when you are pregnant. I hope you feel better soon!

  10. Oh no! Feel better soon!

  11. boo! I hope you feel better soon lolo!

  12. Bummer! ahhh, the joys of working with little germs, I mean kids:-) So so so hope you feel better pronto! xoxo

  13. Get to feeling better!

  14. Feel better!!

  15. aww feel better…
    I dunno if you can imbibe all these ingredients with baby on board.. but if you can… ginger, lemon and honey with hot water… and preferably manuka honey if you can get it… it’s how I treat my sick bugs.. it’s also caffeine free and the honey does wonders to soothe a sore throat.. I’ve yet to figure out if you can have it cold.. but I don’t see why not! xx

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