smelling pretty = feeling pretty.

I recently discovered a lovely new fragrance
 ….and I am kind of obsessed with it.
The scent is DayNa Decker’s Botanika Le Petit Essence Spray in Ella and it is incredible.
I recently found this fragrance while shopping at Isaac Hers here in Portland.  Not only does Isaac Hers have a fabulous collection, but they also curate lovely clothing, accessories and housewares by other designers as well.  If you are ever in town, you should definitely check it out.  But…I digress.  My main point is that I wanted to give you some reasons why you too should run out and purchase this lovely fragrance at Issac Hers:
1.  It’s not super intense.  I’m very particular about perfumes and this one is light and lovely.
2.  It’s only $22!  What??? I know….practically a steal!
3.  The pretty purse-sized packaging.  Perfume in a wooden vessel?  Yes please!
4.  Wearing perfume instantly makes you feel pretty.  Smelling pretty = feeling pretty.
5.  You can buy it online.  Easy peasy!
Get ready for the instant self-esteem boost that only pretty perfume can bring :).



  1. Oh I’ve been looking for a light scent! And 22 dollars IS a steal! Thanks 🙂


  2. How awesome! I love the packaging. I am a huge fan of lovely perfumes, my two favorites being Haiku from AVON and Tenacious from PBR (Professional Bull Riding.) Haiku is light, “green” smelling (how do I describe that? I don’t know!) and feminine. Tenacious is a bit floral-y with a little bit of woodsy-ness and has a pretty lovely punch.

    I will definitely try this scent out!

  3. Oooh! I’ve been looking for new perfume to wear because the scent I use, I’ve been wearing for 3 years! Gah! I need a little change. Happy Wednesday! 🙂


  4. i love pink sugar;
    cotton candy scented kinda
    not to sweet;
    and not too strong;
    love it;

  5. I’ll have to check this out, friend!

  6. Ohh I must smell! I’ve been working on the same giant bottle of perfume that I got 5 years ago right before my wedding (actually I took a break from it while I was prego since strong scents made me want to hurl) but I rediscovered my love for it over the last year. It hasn’t gone bad amazingly and I feel like I need to use it up before I get another perfume (kind of like I’m cheating on it). I’m crazy. I know. I love love the packaging on yours and it’s nice that you can just throw it in your purse. Have fun on your trip friend (if I don’t talk to you before you leave!) Also if you need a lunch suggestion for the road (either on your way down or back up) you need to stop in at the Rice Hill Drive In for a burger/fries/tots/ice cream. The burgers are so good…it’s been a tradition to stop in since I was little even if it was just for ice cream!

  7. Oooh I want it simply for the pretty packaging!

  8. ooo, I could use a perfume. I normally use a besty johnson one. I’ll have to see if I can smell it the next time I’m in Portland.

  9. Oooh, I want to smell it! Sounds fabulous. I need a new purse perfume:-) xoxo

  10. I’m a Coco Mademoiselle girl. I agree it makes you feel so pretty and fresh. I love this little wood packaging though. Perfect for on the go.

    A Collection of Passions

  11. I cannot seem to find a decent perfume—I’ll have to check this one out.

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