birthday fun.

How I spent my birthday….
Started off the day with flowers and chocolate from my mommy.
She got me weedy-looking flowers just like I like.  Aren’t they pretty?
Then had lunch and a milkshake with Craig and did a bit of shopping with my mom.
Got this top that I’m in love with.
Craig surprised me with these lovely flowers (AKA “weeds” to most people) that I’d been eyeing every day on our drive to work.  He stopped and picked them on his way home, because he’d noticed me checking them out every day :).  Such a thoughtful husband I have!
In the evening we went to dinner with Chris & Becca.
They got me a sweet birthday gift and even the wrapping was cute (although I’d expect no less from Becca…she’s so creative & crafty!)
The card made me smile.
(Becca had read my post about having the “birthday blues”)
They got me a super cute scarf and some cocoa butter…
apparently Becca’s trying to help me ward off stretch marks or something :).
Also, I got this little e-mail from Bennett.  Craig was impressed with his computer savvy :).
Here we are making silly faces together :). Sometimes we’re just big kids.
We went to Pok Pok for dinner, but the wait was an hour-and-a-half to two hours!  No thanks.  We were smart and ordered it to-go, and within 15 minutes our order was up and we were eating at a picnic table at the food carts across the street.  Genius!
The spicy fish sauce wings are beyond incredible as is the fresh squeezed limeade.  I highly recommend them both.
For dessert we headed over to The Sugar Cube.
This is their “Ode to Amy Winehouse Cupcake”.  I’ve seen it many times, but this is the first time I “got it” (If you don’t get it then you can read the description here…it’s on the right side of the page).  They said someone told them it should be re-named “Should’ve gone to rehab”.  Sad and true.  But the cupcakes themselves are delicious.
My birthday dessert of choice:
Warm brownie topped with peanut butter and vanilla bean ice cream.
Craig and I came home later and we layed out in our backyard hoping to catch a glimpse of the meteor shower.  It usually peaks every year on my birthday which is kind of cool.  Sadly, the full moon made it too bright to see any, but it was fun watching for them with my honey nonetheless.
It was a lovely birthday, despite the fact that I started the day out feeling a bit bummed about it.  I’m so thankful to have wonderful family, friends and a husband who made sure I felt special and loved on my birthday :).  Thanks guys!


  1. you look so pretty! and craig looks darling!
    i am so jealous that you guys can wear that and be outside not sweating balls! not fair!!!
    Glad it was wonderful! Love you!

  2. Yay for friends! We had so much fun. Love you guys! Can’t wait for tonight 🙂

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