praying i don’t have a mean girl.

Now that I know we’re having a little girl
I’m kind of nervous.
What if she ends up like this?
When I was convinced that we were having a boy I never worried about the teenage years, but now that I know we’re having a girl it’s been weighing heavily on my mind.  Don’t get me wrong…I’m super excited to be having a little girl, but when I think about all the teenage drama and just how catty and mean girls can be, it’s enough to give me an ulcer.
I asked my mom about this and how she raised a girl without completely freaking out and she gave me some good advice:
“Just take it one day at a time.”
The teenage years aren’t here yet.  Boy issues, catty friend drama, body image issues…those are years away, and who can say that they’ll even happen?  Basically all I can do is my best and pray a lot.  That was the other advice my mom gave me:
I’m already on it :).


  1. Having a boy would bring just as much anxiety I’m sure. Enjoy it for the moment and deal as you have to. Good parenting can often breed non-troublesome teens in itself. My teens were easy peesy thanks to my parents. 🙂

  2. Awwww congratulations! That’s so exciting! And yes, one day at a time is always a good plan, there’s enough to do and think about (and enjoy) without worrying about 13 years time just yet.

  3. I just wanted to say that it makes my heart happy that you are listenong to and taking my advice. I’m also honored that you are asking me for my advice. I am praying too-you and Craig are going to do a fine job bringing up your little girl.afterall…I think you turned out pretty well and I just took one day at a time enjoying you and nurturing you to the best of my ability. I also prayed a lot.

  4. i think this is the reason why i prefer having a baby boy too! as a girl, i’m a pain in the butt to take care of. but really, having a child is a blessing. take it one day at a time :]

    -robots in trouble

  5. I know what you mean, I felt just the same, and was thankful when I found out we were having a boy… but somehow I think my husband thought it would be easier raising a girl, maybe it just because we have lived our whole life being girls, and know how mean they can be we worry, and so does the men, when they find out they are having a boy…

  6. This is my biggest fear about having a daughter one day because I’m 9 years older than my sister and sort of saw/experienced her teen years. But I think the advice your mom gave you is really good.

  7. Yay a girl is a good thing! I have one and she is the sweetest and has a great personality she’s 9 and soon the teenage years will come I am praying but not too worried!

    I was worried when they told me I was having a boy what kind of woman will he bring home for me to met…that scares me!

  8. I have these fears too. I think the fact that you are considering it already means you will be a good mom

  9. I have these fears too. I think the fact that you are considering it already means you will be a good mom

  10. I’ll pray, too!

  11. Congrats on having a girl! I’m afraid of all that for my way in the future children. I want boys, 2 of them. I’m always afraid if I have a girl, she’ll turn out like me. =P

    But I met your little lady will be amazing, no matter what. =)

  12. That’s one of my same concerns if I ever have a girl. I know I wasn’t exactly pleasant when I was a teenager. I was talking to my mom not too long ago about those days and apologized haha. She told me it was to be expected. That’s when girls are going through their phase and relationships between mother and daughter can get a little rocky. I think she knew ahead of time that it could get rough, but to just take it “one day at a time” like your mom said 🙂

  13. Once Jeremy found out we were having a girl, his mind automatically went to the teenage years as well. He was already trying to figure out how to scare the boys away. I’m just trying to take your mom’s advice and take it one day at a time. The teenage years are a long ways away!

  14. I’m a teacher of high school girls and trust me when I say that the mean girls are far and few between. If you raise your child to be respectful and happy then she will be a successful teenager.

  15. Yep, I think I’d love to have a little girl up till she turns 13 – then it scares the heck out of me! Girls these days are sooo much more mature than I was. I feel like I’m just gonna want to lock her in the house til she’s 20! I’m sure you’ll be a great mom!

  16. Congrats! Don’t be afraid, she will be a lovely teenager 🙂

  17. I’m so glad you worry about this too. I’m not even pregnant and sometimes I worry about this. Especially when I watch movies and tv shows about teenage girls. But I think your mom is right, I think taking it one day at a time and prayer are the best tools you can have.

  18. I can totally appreciate the girl worry. We just keep telling Gwyneth “Be like your aunt not your mom”. Hoping it works.


  19. YES!!!!! A girl! woooooooooo!!!!! uh oh. Craig is in trouble!

  20. I feel like if I have a little girl she’ll end up like me and be a total terror when she’s younger. I did not make things easy on my folks!

  21. I’m sure she will be a great person. Look how much her parents care about her!

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