fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday my bloggy friends!

Here are some blanks to wrap up your week!  As always thanks for playing along!

1.   You should always take time to     laugh. Life’s to short to spend it with a scowl on your face  .

2.    The sweet innocence of children      make(s) the world a happier place to be.

3.  I can hardly wait for   January!!   .

4.    Saturday   is my favorite day of the week.

5.  Something totally dumb and ridiculous that I love is    the “Party Rock Anthem” music video. I totally want to learn the dance .

6.  If I could, I would   hire a laundress to do all my laundry. It’s my most unfavorite job and it’s only going to get worse once I have a million tiny articles of baby clothing to wash 🙁    .

7.  I rather like    eating toast and jam for dinner   .

What are you up to this weekend?



  1. Hopefully not much- slight chance i may have to work, but if i don’t i’m def chillaxin!

    good answer to #6- i would love to have a general housekeeper…but i doubt i ever will… oh well!

  2. I’m with ya on the laundry! Though, with all the mess of having 5 boys, a girl, a dog, a cat, and the clumsiness that comes with 8 pregnancies, I doubt anyone would be up to the job =(

  3. I hate laundry too! Luckily Mike does it (all of it) for us…

    What is it that’s got you looking forward to January?

  4. #1 is SO true!

  5. I love the idea of hiring a “laundress!” I personally don’t mind the washing part of laundry, it’s the dreaded folding and putting away part that really irks me… Hence there are two clean loads of laundry crumpled and wrinkled in our laundry room. I’m going to see how long I can leave them there 😉

    Happy Friday Lauren!!!
    <3 MuffinLovesBiscuit

  6. I hear ya on the laundry! I don’t mind doing the laundry but when it comes to folding and putting away, I hate it.

  7. As usual, I participated in Fill in the Blank Friday….I love it!!


  8. Besides the maid I would be completely in heaven if I had a laundress, too. Have a great weekend!

  9. Party Rock Anthem video (even the song) always puts me in a good mood. It just makes you want to shuffle everyday!

  10. I have been washing loads of baby clothing lately to prepare for our little girl’s arrival. One thing to note, get a bag to put socks in while washing (especially if your washer is a front load) they get stuck in weird places and are easy to misplace.

    Also, maybe keep your laundry and the babe’s laundry separate. I learned why this morning. I blogged about it. I’m such a genius.

  11. I totally agree! Laughing should be such an important part of every day! haha I love the music video to party rock! I’d love to learn all the moves. I’ve been trying to learn a few of them! But it’s so much harder than it looks!

  12. I’m so with you on the laundry….and in the meantime, watch out for those laundry baskets as your tummy grows. Mine got in the way of seeing my feet and I was constantly tripping over it in the last few months.

    If a friend offers to help you with the laundry when the baby comes, let her.

    I’m so glad to be back to Fill in the blank fridays, i’ve missed it!

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