mashed potatoes and jello.

What do all of these things have in common?
mashed potatoes
mac & cheese
top ramen
Give up?
They were pretty much the only things that Craig could eat this weekend.  He had his wisdom teeth out on Friday and his culinary options were limited.  I felt so bad for him!  Normally he eats like nobody I’ve ever met before, but he could barely eat anything, so on top of feeling crappy he was starving.  Sad day.  
On the bright side…I am now a pro at making jello after having made three boxes of it.  
It was weird seeing my husband out of commission, because he never gets sick or needs taking care of.  I guess it’s good practice for having sick kiddos one day :).  Our weekend basically involved mushy food, copious amounts of college football and lots of action movies.  It was an all-about Craig weekend.  Hopefully he’ll feel like reciprocating once I’m recovering from child birth :). 
How did you spend your long weekend?

P.S. I need your help! If any of you mamas or mamas-to-be are willing to share your most embarrassing pregnancy moments with me I’m writing a post for Babble and need your input.  I promise it will all be anonymous.  Just e-mail me at:  Thanks!


  1. Poor guy! But I am craving mashed potatoes now.

  2. Hope he feels better soon! On another note: I love EACH AND EVERY one of those foods. haha yummy!

  3. Oh no, poor guy!

  4. Oh man I hope Craig feels better soon! I had mine out in April and it was the worst… I had no pain or anything but I just was SOOOO hungry.

    I had lots of stage 1 baby food though, was IN LOVE with the strawberry banana straight out of the fridge.

  5. Would lovet o read your babble post!! Those do look good, but I hop ehe feels better!

  6. I hope he feels better soon! =)

  7. as soon as i saw the post title i knew EXACTLY what it was going to be about!! i lived on jell-o and soft serve ice cream from DQ for like a week!

  8. I hope Craig is feeling better!

    I feel like I have done a lot of silly things while pregnant, but none are really embarrassing post worthy. I will let you know if I do something really dumb in the next couple of days 🙂

  9. I remember that whole wisdom tooth experience…well, kind of. I was super drugged up. But the pictures prove that I looked like a chipmunk and enjoyed many milkshakes:-) xoxo

  10. As I was scrolling down through the pictures, my mind is thinking, surely not. But then I realized that it was exactly what my daughter would have eaten years ago when she had her wisdom teeth taken out.

  11. I got my wisdom teeth pulled out on Valentine’s Day. I remember all I ate was soup, jello and mushed up oreo ice cream sandwiches.

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