my favorite thing about today #60.

My favorite thing about today (or rather yesterday) was….
That my husband surprised me with this:
A certifiable mom-mobile.
And I like it a lot.
The best part about this is that he bought it with the money he made from selling his motorcycle.  Now that’s sacrifice.  He also totally surprised me.  When he got home from work he told me that he got me something, but that it was too heavy for him to carry.  He’s a good surpriser :).
You didn’t see any photos of the hoopty I was driving before this, but it was an old Mercedes station wagon.  Maroon with maroon interior and a plethora of dents scattered about (some of them caused by my rear ending someone while distracted by a naked man in a parking lot, but that’s an entirely different story).  Definitely not pretty, but it did run well and the price was right (i.e. cheap).  But, I’m so excited to have a grown-up car.  It’s shiny and has butt warmers in the seats!  
What’s the best surprise you’ve ever had?
What was your favorite thing about today?


  1. This is such a great surprise =D

    My best surprise would be..on my last birthday, my best friends didn’t call me up or text me to wish me at midnight or after (it was all an act they had planned)..and then the day of my birthday they all just showed up at my door with a cake and presents! And after I’d spent a whole grumpy morning (I hadn’t even showered when they showed up =p) haha it was one of my best birthdays ever!

  2. That is awesome! Good for you!

    Best surprise – a trip to Paris for a Christmas present from my fiance. Most romantic few weeks of my life (leading up to it and the five days we were there :-)).

  3. Yay what a great surprise!

  4. That is the best surprise ever! Corey loves Audi wagons! He always says that we will get one when we have kiddos!

  5. I am more often the one GIVING surprises, but the biggest surprise I’ve ever gotten was that after my husband proposed, he revealed to me that he had organized a pseudo engagement party for the next night (He said he knew he was going out on a limb, since he was assuming I’d say yes… -wink-). But he had even scouted info for friends of mine from far away that he didn’t even know so well. It was amazing.

    The best thing about today? Gosh. I’m glad you’ve forced me to find something, because today hasn’t been a very good day so far (and it’s still really early here)…but as I was leaving for work, my husband woke up for a moment and wished me a good day, and that he loves me. I needed to hear that.

    Congrats on the car! It’s cute!

  6. so fun! it’s about time for me to get a mom vehicle! (i have a three week old), but my little honda will have to do for now!
    my favorite thing about today: my sweet little boy only woke up twice to eat last night. i sure do cherish my sleep these days 🙂

  7. Congrats on the Audi. <3 I have a volkswagen and I love the butt warming seats.

    My favorite thing about today would have to be thats its almost friday haha.

  8. hot! now you can join the hot mom wagon club! Andy and the guys calls mine a “whip” what ever that means… Hope you are feeling good Mama!!

  9. wow, what a very generous man.

  10. That is the sweetest thing!!!

  11. OK… Craig is scoring some major points! I love it! I can’t believe he kept it a surprise!

  12. Whaaa Craig sold his motorcycle?! I can’t believe it…is he going to get a new one later or is he done with it? Oh and the new car is lovely…can’t wait to warm my bum in the seats!

  13. That is amazing! I’m super happy for you… as for the best surprise I ever got, I am terrible at being surprised. But, after a year of trying to get pregnant I had finally given up. So, finding out I was pregnant a few days before my birthday was a BIG surprise!

  14. Omgosh that is awesome 🙂 That sounds like something Mike would do for me – except that I would be so sad if he sold his motorcycle because I love riding around on it so much! Congrats on your certified mom-mobile 🙂

  15. Wow now that is the fairy tale part of life and marriage that most women dream of. That’s an amazing gift filled with sacrifice and love. Enjoy! 🙂

  16. That’s so cool! What a great hubby!

  17. That is an awesome surprise!! Props to your husband! I love my mom-mobile and can’t wait to fill it up with our little one and their many things 🙂

  18. What a great surprise!

  19. Nice! Jeremy bought a Chevy Tahoe for himself when he sold his tractor. Yes, we had a tractor. It’s nice that he has his Tahoe now though, I get the nice car all to myself 🙂

  20. Good husband! That’s awesome. Now you need a carseat and you’re in biz!


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