a very autumnal weekend.

This weekend was very festive.
Quite autumnal if I do say so myself.
It started out with apple tasting (and apple buying) at Portland Nursery with my mommy.
Which was followed by pumpkin patching with my friend Liz and her little Chihuahua Lola. 

There were also pumpkin donuts, pumpkin spice lattes and homemade apple crisps thrown into the mix.  
Did I mention that fall is my most favorite season?
Apparently it’s pretty obvious :).

What’s your favorite season?
If it’s fall, how are you seizing the season thus far?



  1. Apples and pumpkins may be my two favorite things about fall. Looks like a fun weekend!

  2. Your dog is so adorable!

  3. I love fall too =-) Glad you had fun!

  4. your dog is so cute!! looks like you had fun!

  5. What a lovely weekend!!

  6. yaya loved the weather here this weekend. my weekend looked very similar 🙂

  7. Fall is my #1, most favorite season too! I’ve been eating pumpkin this and drinking pumpkin that. Glorious! xoxo

  8. There is nothing better than a good apple (Honey Crisp is my favorite!)!

  9. yum all that sounds so delicious! what a fun weekend!

  10. I’ve never heard of such a thing before, but an apple tasting sounds like such fun! Those little chickadees are just about the cutest things ever 🙂

  11. I LOVE autumn!

    Apple tasting sounds like so much fun! I have a giant bag of apples I found on sale at Whole Foods that are definitely going to turn into a pie/galette today! I can’t wait to eat it! YUM!

    <3 MuffinLovesBiscuit

  12. Oh, and your friend’s puppy is super cute on that pile of pumpkins! So itty-bitty! <3

  13. Those apples look delicious! Outings like this are just one of the many things I love about Fall!

  14. Fall is my favorite because I love wearing tights and scarves. With that said, I have barely changed out of pajamas since Pearl was born.

  15. Looks like such a fun time! I’m a new follower and just wanted to say that I love your blog! I can’t wait to read more!

  16. Your dog is so adorable!
    nice hoto’s

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