fill in the blank friday.

Happy almost weekend!

Today’s blanks are brought to you courtesy of Shaunie at Unknown-Boutique.  I was beyond thrilled to receive an e-mail from her offering up some blanks for this week and thereby giving my brain a break.  Thank you x 1,000,000 Shaunie!  She went with a theme, so without further ado…

1.   When I was a kid I wanted to be      a teacher    when I grew up.

2.   As an adult, my dream job would be   a full-time stylist and mama      .

3.  W hen I was younger I wanted to be just like  my mom   .

4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when I was    a ballerina. It was a basic costume, but I loved any excuse to put on something frilly and pink 🙂   .

5.  My favorite childhood toy was    hands down Barbies. I think I had like 50 of them and I played with them for far longer than most of my friends .

6.  The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I     …I honestly can’t remember. I was a pretty good kid and I never go in a huge amount of trouble. Boring, but true   .

7.  I get daily inspiration from    bloggers, Pinterest, people on the street  .

What are your Halloween plans?


P.S. If you’d like to send me any of your blank suggestions, please e-mail me at: and include your blog URL!


  1. I LOVED barbie! I could play with them for hours on end. and yes pinterst is complete inspiration!

  2. Barbie was awesome. I got all my older cousin’s hand me down Barbies and that girl was spoiled with Barbies, it was awesome! Thanks for hosting!

  3. You are very welcome Lauren!!!! I had a blast!

  4. Barbies were my favorite, too! And I was definitely still playing with them in middle school. I probably only stopped because my friends stopped wanting to play with me. :o/

    Funny though, my nickname in high school was Barbie. :o)

  5. Barbie was so awesome, that was one of my favs too.

  6. You are VERYYYY welcome Lauren! I had a blast! Shaunie

  7. Great questions, Shaunie!

  8. I loved barbies! My friend had her mom’s barbies in their basement and we’d play for hours and hours with hundreds of vintage barbies! I never realized just how cool that experience was until now! My grandma “lost” my mom’s barbies and my mom never forgave her for it! Haha! Ooops!

    Now I’m wondering where all of my barbies disappeared to….


    Happy Friday!!! <3 Mrs. Biscuit <3

  9. What amazes me is the fact that nobody really turns out to be what they wanted to be as children. O_o 😀

    Lovely blog; following! 🙂

  10. Thanks to Shaunie! These were fun blanks. Happy Halloween.

  11. Ballerina is such a good idea. I might just pull it out for tomorrow! 🙂

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