fill in the blank friday.

Thank goodness it’s Friday.  

I’m ridiculously tired.  I’ve apparently reached the point in my pregnancy where sleep isn’t going to happen anymore.  I’ve been waking up every two hours…not to go to bathroom (I can hold it all night like a champ!) or because I’m uncomfortable, but just because I can’t sleep.  It doesn’t even make sense!  I’m hoping to catch up on sleep with some power naps this weekend though :).  Anyway, on with the blanks and as always, thanks for playing along!

1.   Something popular that I can’t stand/just don’t “get” is      the whole cupcake craze. My personal feeling on them is…”meh.”  .

2.   Something unpopular that I secretly love is    roller blading. I wish it would make a comeback because it’s fun and burns ridiculous amounts of calories…like double the amount you burn running for the same amount of time. Look it up      .

3.  When I’ve had a bad day I   head straight to my room when I get home and take a nap. The whole world looks better after a nap   .

4. I’d prefer    a breakfast date    to    happy hour      any day.

5.  Something that makes me nervous is    the prospect of caring for a real-live human being. January 18th is quickly approaching…eeeeek! .

6.  Something worth fighting for is     marriage. Marriage is something that I take very seriously and something that I work very hard at. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work   .

7.  When people think of me, I hope they think    “she is gentle and kind and loves Jesus. She’s a good friend, wife and mother.”  .

Happy weekend!



  1. Rollerblading! YES!!!! I am soooo down with that!!!

  2. I SO agree with you on rollerblading, it is one of my favorite forms of exercise. We should start blogging about it and see if we can make it popular again 😉

  3. Love this as usual!!! See you soon lady! <3 XO!

  4. I love this week’s picture!!! So cute!

  5. rollerblading is awesome!

  6. I’ve often thought the sleepless nights of pregnancy are nature’s way of preparing us for the sleeplessness that comes with having a newborn. I won’t say that it gets easier, but at least by the end of January it’ll be a lot more fun! =)

  7. I was so nervous to have my son. I was nervous about how I was going to take care of him. I was nervous that I would screw him up somehow.

    I was living with my boyfriend & in-law’s at the time that I had my son. The day after I brought him home, everyone had to leave to go to work so I was by myself. But surprisingly, I did well. Caring for my son came naturally. And I didn’t screw my son up. He is still in one piece and still loves me. 🙂

    Good luck with your baby and try not to worry. You’ll do great!

  8. Breakfast dates are way better than happy hour for sure. Happy Friday!!

  9. wait! roller blading is unpopular??? I love roller blading!

  10. I love rollerblading!!

  11. I love breakfast dates and I love cupcakes but they are not the only desert out there! 🙂

  12. first time linking up… let me know what ya’ll think :p

  13. hello! so enjoying your space here.

    i also don’t get the cupcake craze.

    i couldn’t sleep for the last 3 months, discomfort in my hips. i think i slept in 30min intervals… it totally prepared me for the same thing when she was born!

  14. you poor thing! i hope you get some rest soon. this stage of pregnancy is the worst! believe it or not, after the baby is born, you’ll actually get more sleep than you do now. naps with baby are the best rest ever.

    i’m with you on the cupcakes. they’re pretty, but i hate frosting.

  15. I don’t get the cupcake thing either, but so many of my friends are cupcake maniacs, so every time I see a bakery or something I see them

  16. I totally agree with you about the cupcakes!

  17. i just love all of your answers!
    i couldn’t agree more about cupcakes, outlook on marriage, breakfast date, and loving Jesus!

  18. Being responsible for another human being scares me! The hubs and I are not at that point yet.

  19. I love breakfast dates too! I totally agree with you on the naps. It’s the very first thing I do on a bad day. 🙂

  20. I am so over cupcakes. They make me sick every time.

  21. I love roller blading as well!

    I’m with Samantha as well. I was nervous and scared when I was pregnant with my daughter, Lyric. I was so scared that I wasn’t going to be or do good enough for her somehow.

    I was also living with who are now my in-laws why my boyfriend/fiancé was away at boot camp, MCT, and MOS school. During the weekdays I was alone and had to care for Lyric myself. I thought that it was going to be harder than it really was. You just learn how to multi-task.

    Just beware, they grow up so fast. It seems like yesterday that I brought baby girl home, and a little more than a month to go and she will be one year old. 🙁

  22. How fun that you are doing this I will play next time!!

    PS Come let me know what you think of my Autumn decor and enter my New Giveaway!

    Art by Karena

  23. Hey Lauren! Thanks so much for this link up! This is my first time participating in this one! 🙂

    xoxo, nykki

  24. I completely agree with the rollerblading!! I’m training for a half marathon right now and I’m so wishing they would allow me to do it on rollerblades! :o)

    So sorry you’re not sleeping well. :o/ Hopefully that stage will pass soon! I think by the time january 18th rolls around, you’ll know exactly what to do and how to care for your new little human! :o)

  25. new follower! Congrats on being pregnant! I hope you get some rest! 🙂

  26. What a neat blog… These posts are so fun!!! Totally agree with the rollar blading! 😉

    It was awesome getting to meet you at brunch this morning!! 🙂

    xo Karisa

  27. haha I 100% agree with #1 & 2. I LOVE roller blading, its even better when you dress up crazy and blade around town 😉

    Nice meeting you today!

    Nicole Marie

  28. these are good fill in the blanks 🙂 and I love roller blading too, it’s the best. loved 6 and 7 too 🙂

  29. i am with you there on the whole cupcake thing, i would much rather be throwing back a nice big piece of mud-cake with cream and berries on the side 🙂

  30. Get ya on the cupcake thing! Never understood that! Yes, sometimes they look pretty, but meh, so does cake 😉

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