the wonderful world of pregnancy.

In case you forgot…

I’m still pregnant.
And I’m still blogging about it over at Babble.
I thought I’d share a few of my favorite posts as of late…

Take a gander if you’re so inclined.
I like getting visits from my regular readers over there :).



  1. What an amazing belly 🙂
    Hope all goes well!

    kisses from Portugal,

  2. I love the post about the baby products. There are some strange baby things out there.

  3. You might be a pregnant hipster if… is my new favorite thing. Hilarious! I can’t believe how mean people are about pregnancy and parenting. Yikes. Not looking forward to that when the day comes.

  4. I have to say, the pacifier wipes come in handy when you are out someplace and your kid chucks the pacifier on the ground and you have no soap and water 🙂

  5. I’m looking forward to that. Really!!

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