i’m such a teacher.

I am such a teacher.
And my Halloween costume just proved it.
Do any of you remember the story “Miss Nelson is Missing”?
Well, my kids kind of love it.  
It’s about this sweet teacher Miss Nelson who has  class that is less than well-behaved.  One day they show up to school and Miss Nelson isn’t there, and instead the kids are stuck with her evil substitute Miss Viola Swamp.  I’d always wanted to dress up as Miss Swamp and I figured this was the perfect year to do it, since my preschoolers have been really into the book.
This is the real Miss Swamp.
This is my pregnnt version.
 The only time I’ll probably ever be wearing green & yellow together.
 I couldn’t find black lipstick and I figured whatever I found probably wouldn’t be very pregnancy-safe anyway, but I did make sure to add in a Swamp-esque mole :).
I overheard one of my preschoolers telling his friend:
“I think Miss Swamp came all the way from her book to our school!”
Kids are so fun.  I can’t wait to get to dress up my very own little one for Halloween!

Did you dress up for Halloween this year?
What did you dress up as?



  1. Oh, I love it! We have that book! I remember it from my childhood and bought it for my kids!


  2. Hehe 🙂
    love it!

  3. Love it!! I wish our school encouraged us to dress up!

  4. OH my gosh. That is my favorite kid book ever. I just bouught it for my pregnant friend’s baby. Great costume.

  5. LOVE it! One of my favorite books. Since I am a traveling teacher and one of my school did not do dress up, I went with the versatile bunny ears and bunny nose.

  6. Oh I used to love that book! I think you did a great job dressing up as Viola Swamp!

  7. Cute!

  8. That is SO cute!!!!!! I love this outfit and you look just like Miss Swamp!! 🙂

  9. cutie! So clever!

  10. Cuuuute! I remember that book (and cartoon) from when I was in KG (25 years ago!) Glad to hear it’s still being read!

  11. Oh I loved that book!! Fabulous idea! 🙂

  12. That’s PERFECT! I remember that book and loved it when I was young. What a creative costume. 🙂

  13. That is way cute! I bet the kids loved it.

  14. Super cute idea! And that’s your new sweater…I love it!

  15. Love it! My husband and I went as the Gunslinger and the Man in Black from Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series.

  16. omg this is such an adorable story!

  17. This is so cool and fun. What a great idea to be a character from a favorite book! I have never thought of it. I bet your students hand teachers had a very fan Halloween day in school. Now I would like to read the book.

  18. cute cute cute! love it! belly is getting bigger! excited to see it soon…

  19. OMG my ACTUAL kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Nelson (true story) and so she’d read this every year and then dress up in the costume… This just made me so nostalgic! Haha I love it 🙂

  20. Oh my gosh! You are the best teacher! And I totally remember that book!

  21. I loved that book! Awesome costume 🙂

  22. I LOVE it! Perfect costume!

  23. “I think Miss Swamp came all the way from her book to our school!”

    Ahahaha. I LOVE that. That definitely means your costume was a success!

  24. haha OH my You totally took me back with this look. I loved this book growing up! Lol kids say the funniest thing.. oh innocence!

  25. At first I didn’t know who you were talking about but once I saw Miss Viola Swamp, I immediately was brought back to a little girl. I totally remember the story and character. What a great costume. You are right, this is your one and only chance to wear green and yellow tights.

  26. Oh my gosh, one of my FAVORITE books when I was little. You just took me back to my childhood!! Great costume – hope you had a Happy Halloween.

  27. That is too cute!

  28. Love it!!!! Question: did you get any of your fellow teachers to be Miss Nelson?!

    My dog’s name is Luigi, so this year we got him a “Luigi” costume. My husband was Mario, and I went as Princess Peach. So fun!

  29. Great costume idea, my kids would love that!
    I dressed up as a cowgirl b/c I already had the hat and boots!

  30. What a perfect costume!! :] I love what that little preschooler said! ADORABLE!!

  31. Love that book! It’s a classic (in my book, anyway)

    Cute costume!

    Kristen @ KristenDanielleXO

  32. What a fab costume! I’m sure your kiddos LOVED it!

  33. Oh I forgot about that book! 😀


    <3 The Daily Dani

  35. Ha! I looove your costume! How fun. I’ve never read the book, but it sounds like the kids in your class have, so I’m sure that was fun to see this character come to life.

    Once I’m feeling a little better, I’d love to see you! Blessings on your week.

    P.S. Your green and yellow tights are my favorite part. GO DUCKS!!

  36. Soooo adorb! I enjoyed that book thoroughly when I was young. & the little Chrysanthemum mouse book as well if you know it.

  37. You did such a good job! I’d totally forgotten about that book.

  38. That is adorable & you look awesome!

    I didn’t get to dress up this year. There is always next year!

  39. This is so cute and such a creative costume! xox

  40. haha awww you are so cute!! love this costume!!

  41. Oh my GOSH, that is BEYOND cute! You are also waaaay to adorable and sweet looking to be Viola Swamp. I remember as a kid being terrified of her, even though I knew she was really Miss Nelson. I wish I’d thought of this when I was in the classroom.

  42. LOVE it!!! Though, you’re entirely too pretty to look like the real Viola Swamp.

  43. OH I remember her! She was evil… but you look cute 🙂

  44. Great costume. I loved it!

  45. Wow. I haven’t thought of that book for YEARS but I absolutely remember it. Brilliant.

  46. Most creative costume ever! I went to school dressed all in black and with cat ears — not a very creative costume, I admit, but my students enjoyed it. 🙂

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